Congratulations On Your Decision To Join
The Ascension Coach Training Program!

You will be able to access your training materials once you have completed your membership purchase.

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Choose Your Payment Method

Terms and Conditions for Payment Plans:

After purchasing, you will receive an email with a contract detailing your commitment to Twin Flames Universe to fulfill the payment agreement you have chosen. You will have one week from the date of purchase to return the signed contract in order to maintain your access to the product and any related services provided by Twin Flames Universe. Contracts can be signed quickly and easily through our e-Signature platform, Eversign.

If you have any questions about this, or need any help, please contact

Choosing this option will immediately grant you membership in the Ascension Coach Training Program. By choosing this payment plan, you understand that you have up to 5 months to make all of your installment payments to receive full membership in the Ascension Coach Training Program and eligibility for obtaining Certified Ascension Coach status.

If you wish to make an early payoff, the remaining balance can be paid at any time. When paid in full, you will receive an email to confirm that your installment payment program for the classes has been fulfilled. If you end your membership before the 5-month payment period is over, your remaining balance will immediately be due in full. If you fail to pay your remaining balance within 30 days of cancellation, Twin Flames Universe reserves the right to begin legal proceedings against you for your breach of contract.

All sales final. All intellectual property owned by Jeff and Shaleia. All rights reserved.

Please be aware that if you choose the payment plan option and you decide to cancel your payments at any point in time, you will lose all of the investment you have made up until that point. If you wanted to rejoin after cancelling, you would end up having to start over from the beginning with payments. We recommend joining when you are ready to go all in and stay committed to the path. Committing to these payments is choosing to commit to yourself, your Twin Flame and your ascension path. Choose wisely.

We reserve the right to suspend or revoke your access to these recordings at any time if you are found to be defaming the work of Jeff and Shaleia and online or are at risk of using the teaching illegally or inappropriately.