Professional Support in Healing Twin Flame Separation.

Welcome to our sanctuary of healing and transformation. At Twin Flames Universe we understand the profound journey of healing Twin Flame Separation, and we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. Our team of Certified Ascension Coaches offers a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your emotions, gain clarity, and rediscover your inner strength.

With personalized guidance and compassionate understanding, we empower you to navigate this sacred journey with confidence and grace. Rest assured, we understand your journey is unique, and we honor the sacredness of your experience. Take the first step toward healing and schedule a call with one of our experienced coaches today. Your transformation begins here.

Master Certified Ascension Coaches

Abeer Nagi

Twin Flame Coaches Adam and Breann smiling at the camera

Adam & Breann Price-Sand, HTFU

Dany Caicedo

Fabian Scholz

Jason & Chrissy Emerick, HTFU

José & Michaila Sánchez, HTFU

Kristina Zlokarnik

Laurentiu & Alexandra Benzar, HTFU

Leesie Mappes

Madhu Smita

Tahira ter Haar

Certified Ascension Coaches

Aldyn Richmond

Anna Bailey

Ann-Katrin Spies

Anvensha Thakkar

Arshiya Naina

Asha Agarwal

Azul Cortés Gallardo

Carmen Preil

Carmel Murphy Pollard

Caroline Fourmy

Christie Puhl

Christine Kiout

Daniela Neu

Daniel &
Cristina Carboni, HTFU

Denis Andra-Hidi &
Nicole Majewski, HTFU

Drake Minore

Dylan Milkins &
Hannah Fleming, HTFU

Gabriel Wyatt

Graciela Reynoso

Iris González Alcaraz

Isaiah & Sage Braveheart

Jenny Langley

Julia Martin-Woodbridge

Kaison Asher

Kanisha Marie Moore Castillo

Kelly Jennine

Marta Car

Marta Garcia

Mayuri Vaghela

Melanie Kaufmann


Oceana Kofoed

Paco & Dèborah Hendel, HTFU

Pia Hermann

Rachel Carro

Rebeca BenLuz

Rebecca Christenson

Revati Shinde

Roxanne Lemoine

Ryan McIntyre

Sephalika Nayak

Soraya Andalib

Stephanie Zimmermann

Stijn van Gestel &
Johanna Morin, HTFU

Sudikhya Goswami

Susanne Bote

Susie Puga

Valentina Vettini

Yoreen Marcin

Yves Hurni &
Lara Zimmer