Madhu & Valentina
After Madhu and Valentina completely released their false Twin Flames, and surrendered to the revealing process, God guided Valentina to contact Madhu over Facebook Messenger to explore the relationship as Twin Flames. Both of them met each other for the first time over Zoom on January 1st 2021. They read their Love Lists to each other and they matched, and they felt a connection the moment they met during that first video call. At the time Madhu resided in India, while Valentina resided in Scotland, UK. They continued a long-distance relationship that lasted 2 years, and they both healed with the same Ascension Coach in joint sessions together. With each Mirror Exercise that they completed; they began to recognize each other as Twin Flames. As their healing went deeper, they fully acknowledged this. They made plans to share a life and a home together, although they didn’t know which country that would be. They both rigorously worked on their foundation blocks to bring their lives together. And both of them came together on January 1st 2023 and began cohabiting together in physical Union in India and working towards their Harmonious Union with Jeff and Shaleia’s Teachings of Union.
Has at least one Twin Flame read Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, and is a student of Twin Flame Ascension School One or All Class Pass?
Are you in a committed relationship, meaning both parties have mutually agreed to be exclusively committed to each other and to their Union?
Have you compared your Love Lists? Please describe how your Love Lists align, and explain about the Core Values that you share as a couple. Please provide specific examples of the Core Values you share as a couple.
*Madhu put loves food on his love list. I put loves going to eat at restaurants on my love list. Core value in the way we enjoy experiencing life.
*Madhu put takes responsibility of her choices on his love list. I wrote: Sees arguments, disagreements, and challenges as a positive for our spiritual growth and he will always look to heal all conflict within us. - Our core value is taking responsibility of our upsets and healing them.
*Madhu wrote: Spiritual yet honour the life in reality. I wrote: Mentally, emotionally and spiritually balanced, and he is very grounded. Our Core value: We both value being spiritual and simultaneously being grounded.
*Madhu wrote: Have a purpose in life to grow and expand. I wrote: Is very, very, very hard working, and he is extremely focused and committed to our Life Purpose. Is passionate & determined about our Life Purposes expansion and success. Our Core Value: We're both very determined to grow and expand in our foundation. Both focused on our Life Purpose.
*Madhu wrote: She is the divine mother to the souls I am going to heal. I wrote: Willingly gives his love to Mankind with an open heart. Is a very present, kind and caring Divine father to Suryansch, and he views me as a very present, kind, and caring Divine mother to Suryansch.
Our Core Value: Both viewing the other as a Divine parental figure and both viewing the other as sharing love with humanity.
*Madhu wrote: Loves to connect with people. I wrote: Very good sales man. Our Core Value: We both love to connect with people.
*Madhu wrote: Commitment is love. He explained that this means that when two people are in love, commitment to each other is very important. I wrote: Puts consistent effort into the daily maintenance of our Union. Our Core Value: We're both commited to our Union.
Approximately how much of each other's Love List do you match?
90% and growing into the rest
How long have you known each other?
Since 2021
Do you both feel that you are Twin Flames? Please describe why you feel this way.
Yes, we both feel this way because when we first saw the other we both felt it was like looking at our own reflection in the mirror, but seeing a different person reflected back. As we healed our upsets, our Union went deeper and deeper and we became closer and closer, and not further away from each other as we experienced with false Twin Flames. All of our values match each other. We basically said the same thing, but in different words. We also both have the same aspirations in life. We compliment each other perfectly. We compliment each other in our Life Purpose and in all areas of life. We constantly and consistently experience perflectly matching synchronicities in all of our desires, big and small.
Can you describe the spiritual healing journey both Twin Flames took to arrive at the conclusion that you were Twin Flames?
Madhu: After finding about Twin Flames, I felt guided to do spiritual work. And then I was guided to Jeff and Shaleia because I saw their YouTube videos, and then I started my journey by investing in Twin Flame Ascension School - One Class Pass. As we continued our inner work, our relationship continued to harmonise. After healing our blocks, I found Valentina matching me and going deeper in life with me. That's how I concluded that she is my Twin Flame.
Valentina: I also came across Jeff and Shaleia through their YouTube videos. I continued to heal and grow the inner peace in me. I first saw Madhu in the Mind Aligment Process - After MAP Care as we both happened to be in the same healing group. I was guided to consider that any of the uncoupled members of TFU - LGBTQ Community could be my Twin Flame. I looked at the group member's photos and when I saw Madhu's photo he felt oddly familiar to me on a deep soul level. I messaged him letting him know I feel we're Twin Flames. We both scheduled a video call and we both knew we were Twin Flames, although we had some blocks to heal to fully acknowledge this truth. We were immediately focused on video calling and healing our blocks at every moment and every opportunity we had and we were focused on constantly talking about and planning our Life Purpose. As we healed our blocks over a period of months it was very clear that we were Twin Flames, and we recognised each other as exactly that.
Have either of you healed through a false Twin Flame experience? If so, please describe how you came to the conclusion that they were a false Twin Flame, and how you have resolved the relationship and come to peace and clarity.
Madhu: As I continued with my ascension and Jeff & Shaleia's Teachings of Union, the person who I had believed to be my Twin Flame fell away from my consciousness. I had 2 false Twin Flames and both experiences were revealed in this way.
Valentina: Yes, I also had two false Twin Flame experiences. The first, I came to the conclusion that he was a false Twin Flame is because it was revealed to me that there was zero divine love there. My love and desire for him dissipated as I healed. With the second false Twin Flame experience, as I healed this man grew further and further away from me. As I healed, my Union with God became stronger and stronger. I felt that loving, peaceful harmony within. I saw that he absolutely did not match my love list. After deep healing I was able to peacefully release him. My focus remained on God and I knew I had lost nothing.
Have you explored your Life Purpose together? Please share about your Life Purpose journey.
Madhu & Valentina: Yes, we deeply feel called to serve consciousness through the Teachings of Union and contributing in creating Heaven on Earth with the teachings and guidance of Jeff & Shaleia.
Madhu: I previously worked as an engineer. After my Twin Flame awakening my soul called me to pursue my spiritual Life Purpose by loving and supporting people in healing separation. I began training as an Ascension Coach. I have been serving as an Ascension Coach for 3 years. I am also a MAP Practitioner. I actively work in ascension healing and mapping, and Valentina leads with me in joint ascenion coaching sessions. She also supports our shared Life Purpose by managing a lot of the back end tasks for our acension coaching business, and embodying the leading Divine Feminine at home.
Valentina: Yes, I serve others by loving them in our ascension coaching sessions. I love the profound connection I experience with God in the sessions and allowing him to flow through me to love another. Before my Life Purpose I was very lost in life. I felt that my life had no meaning, because it didn't because I didn't know my function. Now, connecting with our clients, loving and supporting them into their Harmonious Unions is such an honour and a blessing. I feel really good working with Madhu including our clients coaching sessions. I feel we're the perfect compliment together. I also feel a profound, shared purpose in MAP. Although myself and Madhu's functions are different from each other, I feel a strong sense of belonging and purpose in MAP, as does he. I will shortly begin my first volunteer role in MAP and working towards deepening my role in supporting MAP. This feels very good to me. Myself & Madhu both love MAP very much.