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Sermons Of Life Purpose Class!
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Terms and Conditions
All sales are final. All digital purchases are non-refundable.
All intellectual property, including trademarks, copyrights, graphics, names, logos, designs, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names are owned by Jeff and Shaleia and/or twinflamesuniverse.com Inc, and may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All rights reserved.
Any guarantees made by TFU are subject to TFU’s discretion as to the client’s true and honest work throughout the course. In no event shall client be entitled to, or TFU liable for, any amount greater than what client paid for TFU’s products or services.
Payment Terms
Please be aware that if you choose the payment plan option and decide to cancel your payments at any point, you will lose all the investment you have made up until that point. If you wish to rejoin after canceling, you will need to start over from the beginning with payments. We recommend joining when you are ready to commit fully to the path. Committing to these payments is choosing to commit to yourself, your Twin Flame, and your Ascension Path. Choose wisely.
We reserve the right to suspend or revoke your access to these recordings at any time if you are found defaming the work of Jeff and Shaleia and twinflamesuniverse.com online or using the teachings illegally or inappropriately. Membership may also be revoked if there is harassment, bullying, abuse, or attacks on TFU staff, affiliates, and/or clients or if you are found to be sharing your account with anyone other than your Twin Flame or your child(ren) under the age of 18.