Do they feel the same? That’s a question I hear every day in the Twin Flame community.
It’s not always easy to understand if feelings are mutual, what with the mirroring and the “running.” Today, I want to bring a little bit of comfort by answering this question.
So… Do Both Twin Flames Know?
Well… yes and no. Your Twin Flame is always at the same level as you spiritually. If you’re thinking they aren’t awakened, think again because they are aware of the connection emotionally. A bond like that is undeniable and both Twin Flames feel it.
But they aren’t on the Twin Flame journey exactly like you are. See, each Twin Flame is working on their connection in their own way. It’s almost like you both are in the same house, but different rooms, doing different things. You’re still working on and inhabiting the same house but you’re not both cleaning the dishes at the same time.
And yes, even when they’re with a 3rd party, your Twin Flame can feel the connection. Consciously or unconsciously, they are looking for their perfect partner in every relationship they have. So, if they don’t fully recognize you as their one true love (even if they have feelings for you), it is for a reason.
See, they are mirroring to you where you don’t recognize and love yourself. They’re teaching you a spiritual lesson, because that’s their first purpose: they’re your teacher before they are your lover.
Recognizing Shared Emotions with Your Twin Flame
I’m sure you’ve already felt like an emotion passing through you belonged to your Twin Flame. This one isn’t exactly true either. All feelings inside of you are actually yours. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. Your subconscious is sending feelings to the surface, and sometimes it takes you by surprise, but it is 100% your responsibility to heal.
Maybe your Twin Flame feels a similar way. Seeing it in them may actually help you see that you’re also experiencing the same emotion on some level. All in all, everything your Twin Flame “sends” to you or mirrors is a way to help you heal and feel better. Shared emotions are kind of a love language!
Should I Tell My Twin Flame How I Feel?
Before you tell your Twin Flame how you feel, I want you to consider this: what are you hoping happens when you do that?
Remember that Twin Flames are different from other relationships. If you are already together and stable, telling them how you feel is a beautiful way of deepening your connection. But if you aren’t in contact and are wondering how they feel, you may not be in the right space to have this conversation.
Even if the connection is deep and strong, you and your Twin Flame still are human beings that need to develop a healthy relationship before diving deep. Developing your friendship, partnership will be required before you talking about feelings.
Romance naturally unfolds when Twin Flames fully love and support themselves individually, but also when they have built a strong foundation for their Union. This journey is really logical and grounded. Your Twin Flame likes it when your relationship is grounded, so make sure you act from a peaceful place in your heart.
Want to stop the runner/chaser pattern and attract Twin Flame Union? Start learning by taking our Twin Flame Test today.
Written by Yoreen Marcin
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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