Have you ever felt like the Universe is talking to you? You see repeating signs about a person or something you’ve been contemplating, and it feels like you are getting direct messages from something bigger than you? Learn what to do with this information, including how to interpret the signs you receive. Are they pointing you towards being with someone? Here are some common signs from the Universe on the Twin Flame journey and how you might make sense of them.

1. Numbers

I’ve had times in my life where repeating 1111 seemed to be everywhere I looked. I always saw it as a Universe wink – a sign that I was on the right track in my life or to take the opportunity to make a wish. Then 2222 or 3333 or other repeating numbers would show up everywhere. I saw them as progression – moving from one step to the next. Some people see them as angel numbers or as calls to go deeper on their journey toward their heart’s desire. Ultimately, any sign is about how you feel when you see it. What do the numbers from the universe mean to you?

hands touch after signs from the universe

2. Songs

I have always seen universe signs in the songs that come into my life. I can try to interpret the lyrics very literally, but again, what resonates more is how the song makes me feel. Are you inundated with love songs? Listen for the song’s meaning in your heart to receive the message.

3. Astrology

Are the stars aligning in your charts or or is the universe showing you what’s not compatible with your highest good? You and your Twin Flame will have core values that align, not necessarily compatible astrological charts. Astrology is always meant to be a map, not a destiny. Spend some time meditating on the feelings that come up as you explore the map before you.

4. Head vs. Heart

Is this really the Universe, or your heart speaking? Your head keeps telling you this person is for you, but your heart doesn’t buy it. How can signs from the universe bring you clarity? Left to its own devices, the head will always point you towards fear. The heart on the other hand, will always point you towards your true north. Feel into your heart. Does the message feel calm and good? That’s an excellent sign that you are in your truth and on the right track.

man sees butterflies as signs from the universe

5. Law of Attraction

Like attracts like, right? You may be seeing all kinds of universe signs around you that match your vibration. Have a vibration of love, and you will see love everywhere in your life. Does this mean that the person you are attracting is your Twin Flame? Possibly. You’ll only know for sure if you go through the whole revealing process.

6. Déjà Vu

Do you feel like you’ve lived this moment before, like you’re remembering it from another life? This Universe sign is open to many interpretations. I always see it as a nod from the Universe that I’m on the right track. When you experience it, feel into your heart. Is there anything this familiar moment is teaching you? The feeling there will tell you more about what it means than whether you have literally lived that moment before

7. Dreams

This person shows up in your dreams constantly. This is a sure sign from the Universe that they are your Twin Flame, right? Maybe, maybe not. Dreams are a language of symbols and feelings. The person might represent an energy or a feeling you are having in your waking life. They also might symbolize your Twin Flame but not literally be your Twin Flame. A great way to discern is to once again see how the dream feels to you. If it’s feeling grounded and good, that’s a very good sign.

lovers reunite after seeing signs from the universe

Follow the Good Feeling

The Universe speaks to us in many different ways. In my experience, signs are an incredibly personal language between me and Love Itself. I had signs pointing me to a false Twin Flame for years (blue jays everywhere!) until I finally understood that the signs weren’t about him but about the energy he represents.

Are the signs pointing you to your true Twin? They might be, but always check in with the feelings coming up about them. Signs alone will never reveal your person totally. You still have to go through the revealing process and heal your blocks to love, get clear on your values, and claim yourself and your true Twin Flame. This is the only way to know for sure if this person is the one.

Regardless if you’ve been seeing the signs… are you ready to move closer into your Twin Flame Union? Start here to take our Twin Flame Test and find out.

Written by C.F.