Let’s delve into the depths of the Divine Masculine’s emotions when they are running but not expressing their feelings to their Divine Feminine counterparts. Here are three things that Kanisha, Certified Ascension Coach and student of the Teachings of Union, has learned about it. (This blog is directed towards Divine Feminines, but it applies to Divine Feminine runners, too.)
1. Feeling Unworthy and Not Enough
The first thing that the Divine Masculine feels when he is running but not expressing: He feels unworthy and not enough. Divine Masculines are providers and givers. But as your Twin Flame is your Divine mirror, he’s also mirroring to you where you are feeling unworthy and not enough.
When he’s running, he’s also mirroring to you where you are running from yourself or Love itself. Fortunately, all of these patterns can be healed easily using the Mirror Exercise.
For Example:
- I am upset at my Twin for running from me and feeling not enough.
- I am upset at myself for running from myself and not feeling enough for myself.
- Is there any part of me that feels this is true?
- Feel into that part of you and give them all the love they need until you feel complete.
You can spend some time asking yourself – where do you feel these running or unworthy feelings within you? As you heal that with the Mirror Exercise, you will heal the pattern for your Union. Only one of you has to do this work too, because you are One at the core. You make the same core choices, and he feels exactly the way that you feel. It just may look a little different on the outside.
You’ll also see the healing you do reflected back to your Twin Flame. As you heal, they will feel worthy and enough to be with you, to provide for you, and to give to you. However, it’s important to note that your Twin Flame is not your Source. If you try to treat him that way, he will tell you: “No, I’m not your Source of happiness. I’m not your Source of Love.” You receive happiness and love from within and from God. As you really give these to yourself instead of seeking them on the outside, God moves through your Twin Flame to give you that Love, attention, and nurturing.
![pic 1 – what the dm feels](https://twinflamesuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/pic-1-what-the-dm-feels.jpg)
2. Experiencing Guilt and Shame
The second set of feelings from the running Divine Masculine is guilt and shame. Your Divine Masculine feels really guilty, and there’s some shame coming up because he desires to be with you. He desires to communicate with you and be around you. But because he is your perfect mirror, he has to mirror to you the places that are out of alignment with Love.
Though he desires to be with you and adores you above anyone else, he cannot. Because you’re not being with yourself completely. This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, it just means that you need to choose and claim all of yourself. That’s what it means to be with your Twin Flame – to be with all of your authentic self and really see that there’s never an appropriate time to feel shame or guilt.
For Example:
Your Divine Masculine loves talking to you when you get to talk, but the second you call him, he disappears. His communication is terrible, and you are baffled by the mixed signals. He is mirroring to you where you aren’t communicating with your true self. Maybe you aren’t feeling your feelings fully somewhere else in your life. Or maybe you are avoiding parts of yourself like your financial life or self care. Feel into these places and heal them using the Mirror Exercise. As you do, the communication blocks will shift.
So if you’re holding onto these heavy guilt and shame energies within yourself somewhere (maybe from past relationships you’re not letting go of), he will have to mirror that to you. It’s really important that you don’t take personally what your Divine Masculine is showing you. But for him, it’s what he’s moving through.
I think a lot of Divine Feminines think, “Oh, my Divine Masculine’s out there partying. He doesn’t care about me, he’s just having fun.” No, at the core, your true Twin Flame does not desire to hurt or upset you. He desires to love you.
You have all the power here. As you are truthful and honest with yourself in this space, it also heals the Divine Masculine. He just wants to give everything to you. He desires at his core to be able to provide and be the Divine Masculine that you want him to be – the Divine Masculine that God has called for him to be. But he can only meet you in Love and in peace.
3. Deep Love and Adoration
Last but not least, what does the Divine Masculine feel but hasn’t expressed to you while he’s running? It’s that he loves you. He adores you. He wants you and chooses you at the core. There is no one else for him other than you. That is how he feels. Your reality may not be showing that, but at the core and in the truth of his being, he desires you above anyone else.
There is no one else more perfect for him than you.
![pic 2 – what the dm feels](https://twinflamesuniverse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/pic-2-what-the-dm-feels.jpg)
An Example From A Divine Feminine:
My Twin Flame and I dated many people before we met. We didn’t really know who we were at the core and so manifested false Twin Flame experiences and lots of running from ourselves. (Numbing out in many different ways.).
As I dove into the healing work, I began to understand my Divine self. I committed to this authentic me completely, quit running from Love itself, and low and behold, my Twin called me one day seemingly out of the blue. We had an epic conversation that has never ended. We are now married, and I am constantly amazed by how we complement and mirror each other perfectly. Every time I heal, we get closer, and the seemingly impossible patterns disappear.
As you really choose to show up for your Harmonious Union by feeling your feelings, loving yourself, enjoying life, choosing to follow that good feeling, your Twin Flame is going to meet you there.
Know that he loves you, deeply. There’s no one else more perfect for him than you. Take a moment now to choose that at your core and choose that as your truth, no matter what your reality is showing you. If you continue to choose your Harmonious Union and to choose that as your truth, then you will be in Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame. It’s your natural state of being.
Allow yourself to completely surrender to that truth and just allow things to unfold. Release all resistance. It’s just going to come like that.
So, if you are experiencing your Twin Flame running, and he’s not communicating with you, know that these three are how he feels. As you heal them within yourself, you are healing your Union and healing him. Your Divine Masculine is going to be so appreciative of the fact that you are doing this work for your Union.
You have the power and the tools here at Twin Flames Universe to be able to cultivate a healthy, loving foundation for your Union. It starts when you learn to heal using the Mirror Exercise and really feeling all of your feelings truly and honestly. And as you do ,you can’t help but magnetize your Divine Masculine.
Embrace your power, choose Love, and watch your Twin Flame Union flourish.
For more valuable insights and guidance, start with our Twin Flame Test today.
Edited by Julia Martin-Woodbridge and C.F.
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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