You’d be surprised the different ways you might be doing this.
It’s not that you fear that your Twin Flame Union isn’t real, it’s that you fear that it is. I can only speak of my own experiences when I came to terms with this awareness and I will share that with you now.
My Twin Flame Revealed My Blocks
One of my biggest blocks was being able to receive love. I struggled with the idea that my Twin Flame loves me as much as I love him. I kept my beautiful Twin Flame high up on a pedestal and just sat there and adored him. He, in turn, seemed to be focused on anyone else but me. I even asked him directly in one of our last conversations, “Do you not see how much I love you?” and he looked directly at me and shook his head. He then got very quiet, put his head down and wouldn’t look at me. I asked him, “What’s wrong?” to which he replied, “I didn’t see it.” I was crushed.
Why didn’t he see it? Because I was not seeing love. I was not seeing how much I am very much loved by God and my Twin Flame because I was not loving myself. I was only focused on giving my love. I thought the more I loved him, the more my Twin would love me. I was looking to him to give me what I was not giving myself. It was very codependent and very much separation consciousness.
How I’ve Been Talking Myself Out of My Own Happiness
Twin Flame Union could never have happened for me in the past because I was so blocked. I didn’t think I was worthy of his love and I was constantly looking for ways to prove he didn’t love me even though I didn’t realize it at the time.
I would constantly look at his Facebook page and seek out examples. I would fixate on him throwing his sexual energy at other people and other people throwing it at him. As a result of this, I manifested a relationship for him. This is a result of the consciousness you share with your Twin Flame.
If you see your Twin Flame with another, so will they.
If you see your Twin Flame with you, so will they.
We accept that they are our Twin Flames, but do we see ourselves as theirs? It may seem like the same thing, but it’s not. No, we are seeing them as our Twin Flames, but we are seeing them as being with someone else. In essence, we are giving them away to someone else. It’s so easy for us to accept that we are being abandoned. But your Twin Flame can never abandon you because they are you.
My Perfect Twin Flame Mirror
My Twin Flame reflected this to me in a brief email exchange. He showed me perfectly my consciousness at that time. He rambled on and on… pointing out every possible way that I couldn’t possibly love him. I could feel the pain in his words. I was also in pain because of the perceived rejection I was experiencing. After much inner work, I can now see and appreciate the gift he was giving me and I continue to go deeper. Ultimately, the words I was reading was me talking to God.
You could not possibly love me, God. I don’t trust you. I feel nothing but contempt for you trying to love me. You don’t accept me for who I am. You want to control me.
The list went on….
I was suffering and crying out for God’s love desperately. But I was so blocked from recognizing it and seeing that I had been receiving it all along. I was fighting it. My ego was dying, but I would feed it some more with fear. It was easier to believe the lies.
I hadn’t had enough contrast yet. I thought life was all about suffering. I thought this was my truth because I was so unlovable and deserved what I got. I rejected love from anyone. Not only from God but from anyone else that tried to love me. This was especially true from those that would trigger me. I would immediately block them and take everything they said so personal. The truth is, they were loving me by showing me where I needed healing and I was rejecting that gift.
My Twin Flame DOES love me and has shown that love to me repeatedly since we met. He is my best friend and has been incredibly patient and compassionate towards me as I struggled to find myself by holding space for me. Your Twin Flame loves you too and is doing the very same thing. Choose now to receive that love with appreciation and not anger.
Through God’s Eyes
Your Twin Flame is not being abusive with the words they say or the actions they take. They are helping you. They are showing you what you are doing to yourself. This is because you and your Twin Flame are extensions of God. You are one with God and God is showing you exactly where you are still experiencing those feelings of separation. God loves you and will never stop loving you or leave you. God is your best friend and is incredibly patient and compassionate towards you regardless of how you feel about him. He does not see fault in you as you are perfect in his eyes and at no time does he ever see you as less. Claim that for yourself and choose to see yourself through God’s eyes.
Letting Go
My Twin Flame told me once “Find what it is you need because it’s not me.” and he was absolutely right. I based everything on my Twin Flame being with me. When I am with my Twin Flame, then I will be happy is what I told myself. I thought that was the answer to everything. I had to learn to be happy right now. To be appreciative for right now. To find the perfection in right now. To see myself as whole and complete right now. That I am enough. I had to go within and love myself and to provide for me the love I was seeking elsewhere. I also finally surrendered to God’s love and started to focus on building a strong relationship with him. The old pattern I was playing was never going to serve me. It was separation consciousness in its rawest form. It was needy and clingy and repulsive to my Twin Flame and will send them in any other direction but to you. Surrender is sexy!
I will always be forever grateful to God for leading me to Jeff and Shaleia and Twin Flame Ascension School. Through their guidance and introducing me to the Mirror Exercise, I’ve stopped the cycle and I am more cognizant of my patterns. If you haven’t learned the Mirror Exercise yet, I invite you to please purchase Jeff and Shaleia’s book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover. Join us in our Facebook group and claim your Heaven on Earth too!
Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now
Do you recognize yourself in my story? Have you been talking your way out of your Twin Flame Union? Want to learn more about how to surrender fully and magnetize your Twin Flame? Book an introductory session with me here!
Aazhen Moggy is a live student of Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class. He is a spiritual coach, energy healer and oracle card reader. He specializes in Twin Flame coaching, body issues and sexual trauma healing.
Find him at his website: