Jeff and Shaleia are here to assist you out of a slump that so many people in the Twin Flame community fall into on their Twin Flame journey. The reason they get into a slump is because they’re being a Twin Flame pussy, and this is not meant in a derogatory way. This is meant to wake you up, to compassionately shock you into awareness so you can stop experiencing life as a pussy.

The truth is, the only thing that can stop you from achieving your Twin Flame Union, is you being a Twin Flame pussy.

If you already recognize that you are behaving like a Twin Flame pussy, don’t worry. You are not branded as a pussy, and you don’t have to stay a pussy, but you just have to recognize when you are being a pussy. It’s not a nice experience to be a pussy.

What does being a Twin Flame pussy look like, and are you doing it? Let’s find out.

Being a Twin Flame pussy means you are looking “over there” at an external, outside situation that seems to suck a lot. We’re right there with you, we know it sucks to have your Twin Flame ignoring you or being a jerk, or being in a relationship with someone else, or generally not relating to you in a nice way. No doubt, that is not a nice experience, and Jeff and Shaleia have enormous compassion for you if you are experiencing this. They have so much compassion for Twin Flames in this situation that they have dedicated their lives to alleviating your suffering by bringing you into Union. You can learn Jeff and Shaleia’s spiritual healing technique, the Mirror Exercise, from their book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, or from their e-Courses, or from subscribing to Twin Flame Ascension School.

If you are experiencing your Twin Flame doing something that you don’t like, or them not being with you in a way that you like, and you are not responding to this situation then you might be being a pussy about it. We don’t mean you should go and knock down your Twin Flame’s door in a hypermasculine pursuit of them. That’s not the answer. The answer to the Twin Flame runner situation is handling it.

Remember the Power is in Your Hands

You have the power to resolve this situation. Not through force, not through manipulation, not through control, not through drama, not through pulling off some scheme on your Twin Flame, not by convincing them, not by being really persistent with them…but simply by resolving it within yourself.

Friends, remember the basic principle of Jeff and Shaleia’s teaching: you were created by God with a Twin Flame, and the reason you know you have a Twin Flame is because you desire it in your heart. You are supposed to be with your Twin Flame. You were not created apart from them. The way that you are experiencing this illusion of separation is not the way you were created. Somewhere along the line, you deviated from Harmonious Union. It’s not them, nor is it the woman or man that they are with, not their obligations to their kids or their job, or their physical distance from you, but you who deviated from your Harmonious Union. You deviated from your Creator.

Now, we are not pointing the finger to make you feel guilty. This is meant to empower you, because it is you who holds the power to create your reality. You can remove the illusion of your separation. How do you do that? You use the Mirror Exercise.

The Mirror Exercise

The gist of the Mirror Exercise is this: your external reality is reflecting to you the content of your mind. Very basic Law of Attraction principle. They say your thoughts create your reality, but even deeper than that are your choices, which are the root of your thinking. When you make a choice, it roots in your thinking and it actually creates thoughts. And so somewhere in your consciousness, you have made choices that create huge trees of thought. And this is what the Mirror Exercise does: it reflects to you the root choices that you are making. Not only does the Mirror Exercise help you identify those root choices, but it also helps you heal those choices and restore them back to perfection. Not “pretty good” or just better, but literally perfection, because you’ve loved yourself and made a new choice, instead of choosing separation. So you go from a “hell” to a heaven, all at once in your heart. A step-by-step guide to the method of the Mirror Exercise is laid out in detail in Jeff and Shaleia’s book.

So if you are being a Twin Flame pussy then you are scapegoating. Don’t worry, many of us have been guilty of this. Jeff has pointed the finger many times at Shaleia and said, “You’re being a jerk!” And Shaleia responded, “Don’t put that shit on me, that’s you!” Shaleia was right. If this example applies to you, choose to be done with being a Twin Flame pussy. Are you ready to do your spiritual work? Are you ready to stop experiencing the horse shit that you have been tolerating for far too long? Start using the teachings of Union to heal separation, because the tools are working for Jeff and Shaleia’s students, who are experiencing miracle after miracle.

The power is always in your hands. Whatever the external situation is with your Twin Flame, you can resolve it. Do the Mirror Exercise.

Claim your Twin Flame Union Now

If you want to watch Jeff and Shaleia directly helping their live students out of being a Twin Flame pussy in any situation, subscribe to Twin Flame Ascension School. The first three classes are FREE! You can also treat yourself first to a consultation with a coach who was personally trained by Jeff and Shaleia, and get the support you need in making the next step in your Twin Flame journey.

Transcribed from the video “DON’T BE A TWIN FLAME PUSSY” by Jeff & Shaleia.