After a beautiful journey of coming into Union, Twin Flames Michael and Iris have big news: they’re expecting a baby boy!
The couple found out that Iris was pregnant after arriving home in Mexico at the end of an intense healing journey that strengthened their bond more than ever before.
No More Separation
Iris came to Canada last year to live with Michael for the first time. It was a beautiful and deeply healing time for their Union: Iris healed an abandonment block and realized that her Twin Flame was never going to abandon her because she doesn’t choose to abandon herself. “It was beautiful to heal it, like, understand that he’s going to always be there for me, and I’m going to always be there for him, even if we are passing through something big.”
Next, Michael and Iris decided to live together in Iris’s home in Mexico. They met some challenges along the way, including their truck breaking down, but they chose to trust God and love themselves at each turn. Iris says, “when I surrendered to that, like, ‘okay, God, everything is going to be fine,’ everything felt better.” They found a friend who could repair their truck and then found their way back home together.
Heaven on Earth
“It was freeing to arrive here,” Iris says. “We started to feel, like, more peace, more love. We started to think about our purpose and our plans together. It was a few weeks of recovering energy and enjoying our Union. It was lovely.”
Soon after, Iris went to the doctor, thinking that the recent physical symptoms she was having were just from stress. But, they were in for a beautiful surprise: they were pregnant! “I always wanted to be a mother, always, my whole life. So, for me there were different emotions when hearing that, like fear [releasing] but at the same time joy,” says Iris.
To anyone who feels like their dream of being a parent is far out of reach, Iris shares, “if God wants that dream and if God would put that dream in your heart… for sure something is going to happen. Trust that the things that you feel in your heart really are there for a reason, and it’s okay, it’s going to happen. If you are doing your part all your dreams are going to come true.” For Iris, all of her dreams are coming true on the Twin Flame journey.
Twin Flames Raising a Family Together
“Now that we are going to be parents,” Iris says, “it helps a lot to understand that we belong together, in all aspects, like, I’m going to be there for Michael, always. And he’s going to be there for me. He’s being super supportive with me in different ways. So, it’s another level of love with more surrender and a more sustainable foundation.”
Having a baby as Twin Flames in Union who are committed to living their Life Purpose together is a beautiful experience for Michael and Iris. “We choose our Union daily and it is beautiful. And thinking that we are going to have a baby, like, a Twin Flame baby. We are going to give him all the love and all the help that he needs. And the healing too, because he’s a baby that is going to be born in a space where he’s going to know how to understand himself and claim whatever he wants.”
Congratulations to Michael and Iris on their pregnancy and ever deepening Union. We’re looking forward to welcoming their son into the world and seeing him grow up in a stable, loving family based on the eternal foundation of Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Interview by Sage Woodward
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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