As you awaken on the spiritual journey, you find that the key to experiencing love and harmony in life is to create it within yourself, first. You learn that this simple shift in understanding unlocks the door to creating infinite love, peace, joy, and freedom. This was the case for Soraya and it led to her biggest breakthrough yet. Soraya walks us through her deepest lesson in True Love and the remarkable healing that occurred when she went all-in.

As Within, So Without

Soraya is a long-time student of the Teachings of Union and because of this she is a passionate observer of the details in life. One afternoon while tending to her backyard, she noticed a space where water was not draining properly. Yardwork is typically a chore for her and, in this part of her yard, it was something she usually neglected. Being the observant spiritual student that she is, Soraya began looking at what this was mirroring within herself and decided to heal the untended parts of herself that needed a little loving. She accepted the truth that her outer reality reflects her inner one and, with this awareness, she transformed it.

Healing Resistance to Love

The work Soraya took on in her backyard was simply a choice to be honest with where she was at. “I realized I had chosen not to [extend] love there [before] and I had resistance to [it]. God began showing me other areas of my life where I was doing the same thing,” she shared, “and how my life has become imbalanced due to not wanting to love in certain places.” Soraya knew it was time to make a change. What happened next for her was the discovery of what Love is through the simple choice to surrender that resistance.

Be Love and Don’t Hold Back

“A lot of times we have in our mind that Love is something we do when we want to. We decide to love or not to love. We decide when and how much we are willing to give.” Soraya shared that when you “do love” with these restrictions, you miss out on so much. Instead, the healing choice is to realize that you are Love. And, as Soraya says, “when we fully embrace this as our identity and purpose, we have a proper relationship with Life.” It requires courage to act with integrity as Love. It requires a commitment to show up without holding back. When you do this – when you face a challenge and overcome it with love – you reveal a greater level of harmony and inner strength.

Going All-In 

I asked Soraya if she had any advice for someone in the beginning of their spiritual journey. She said, “make a decision that you want it. Get really clear.” This looks like intimate reflection within yourself, finding out what you desire and choosing to go all-in on making it happen. “The way forward is lots of loving hugs for your inner child, a determined persistence to love at every opportunity and a willingness to be changed by Love.”

The spiritual journey is one of continuous improvement. It occurs one day at a time as you take ownership of your experience and make the choice to transform. It’s “an inside job,” as they say. The result? You become the love you seek and serve as a vessel for it to be shared with the world. There is no time like the present to be your true self and to be a true lover in life.

Interview by Angelika Lee

Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!