“A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
Pay attention to any thoughts, insights, signs, dreams, or visions you receive from the Divine for they are designed to help show you the way into your harmonious Twin Flame Union. Staying in touch with the communication between yourself and your Creator helps lead and guide you into a deeper relationship with the Divine, and also assists you in manifesting all your dreams including harmonious Twin Flame Union. Your sense of trust in yourself, the Divine, and subsequently others will strengthen as you come to have faith in the truth and the results of your Divine communications and signs with God. This inner compass you follow knows the key to your true happiness.
By closing your eyes and focusing on your 3rd eye chakra (the place in between your eyebrows) you are choosing to develop and expand your consciousness into the realm of the One True Reality. You can easily access your voice of intuition when you are in a calm and peaceful state, because you have created a clear connection to the Divine and the guidance you receive in this state can always be trusted.
What is the one major insight you have about yourself and the next step for you in entering your harmonious Twin Flame Union? Your heart knows this answer instantly. Trust it. As you follow your intuition it will grow and expand because you are consistently attuned with it and you get to clearly see the Way in your life. As you choose to balance your 3rd eye chakra you become more and more self-realized as you find you are choosing to live in harmony with your Divine Self, and with the people you interact with in your life including your Twin Flame.
Attuning and aligning yourself more closely to your spiritual eye will begin to adjust your personal perspective of you, your Twin Flame, and your life events, to what is actually true and Truth. You transcend perspective altogether and begin to see reality through the eyes of God, the eyes of the One Truth and the real Way of Life.
To begin a new spiritual practice of opening and expanding your consciousness through your third eye, we suggest at least once a day listening to the Twin Flame Chakra Healing Meditation (linked below) which will assist you greatly in clearing and attuning yourself to all your chakras, and prepare you for calling in your harmonious Twin Flame Union easily and gracefully. You can download the entire meditation CD right here if you’d like the next steps after clearing and attuning your higher and lower chakras in preparation for your harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Together In Meditative Bliss,
~Jeff and Shaleia~
Would you like your own Twin Flame Reading or a Twin Flame Romance Report? Then click HERE for yours.
You can fast-track directly into your harmonious Twin Flame Union in our Twin Flame Ascension school. For more information please click HERE.
Today’s message is courtesy of Angela Hartfield’s “Whispers of Lord Ganesha.”
Jeff and Shaleia are true Twin Flames in harmonious Union. This is currently a very rare experience on this planet although their pioneering work in Twin Flames is changing this statistic. In their Twin Flame Ascension School they are teaching the truth of Twin Flame Union as a direct Ascension Path to the Divine. Committing to your harmonious Union is in actuality committing to your spiritual path of Ascension, in other words, dissolving your ego and claiming your Divinity fully at the right side of your Mother/Father God.
Jeff has his BBA from Western Michigan University and has created businesses in the past based on self-development and lifestyle design. Shaleia attended Laurentian University for Psychology with a minor focus on Women Studies. She has a degree in Graphic Design and graduated with Honors in Digital Photography and Imaging at Georgian College. She consciously began her ascension path when she was 18 years old with her studies in Taoism, A Course In Miracles, Channeling, Reiki certification, and other forms of energy healing work.
Shaleia met her spiritual teacher in Sedona, AZ in 2012 where she began healing separation from her Twin Flame with the spiritual tools and knowledge that were passed down to her. Jeff joined her sessions later on and they have now mastered their harmonious Twin Flame Union which has enabled them to teach it to others. They got married in January 2016, and have a sweet golden doodle puppy named Charlie.
They are authors of the beloved Twin Flame book: “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,” on Amazon. Jeff and Shaleia developed two ecourses to assist you into your harmonious Twin Flame Union: Their first 24 lesson course guarantees harmonious Union is “Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True.” Their 8 lesson course called “Twin Flames: Romance Attraction” teaches you how to develop true love within to increase your magnetism and beauty for manifesting and deepening your Twin Flame Union. This course also guarantees your harmonious Twin Flame Union.