To dance with your Twin Flame, you must feel your feelings. This is the core teachings of Union:

1. Feel your feelings

2. Do the Mirror Exercise

3. Have your Twin Flame Union

As a Live Student of Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose class, I’ve experienced the outcome of the Mirror Exercise and its perfect ability to heal your Twin Flame Union. Since then, I’ve had a deep passion within me to share the Mirror Exercise with everyone. It has given me exactly what I want: the answer to my Twin Flame Union.

If you truly want your Twin Flame Union, but you’re not willing to feel your feelings and do the Mirror Exercise on a daily basis… well, the truth is, you don’t actually want your Union.

Why do you Want to Invest your Whole Heart into the Mirror Exercise?

Your Twin Flame begins to Recognize You!

First of all, let’s talk about how the Mirror Exercise has improved my life. My Twin Flame, Adam, used to only see me as either a friend or a co-worker. I was a nice person, but we weren’t going much deeper than that. He already had both the kickass career and a hot girlfriend, so there was no need for him to look beyond the surface of our relationship. I didn’t know how this situation was going to shift. All I knew was that this man was something perfect. I felt so deeply and I desired to explore and to know him with all I am. The desire is what beckoned me to explore this relationship deeper. Do you have that desire too?

All I had was the desire and a developing trust in the teachings of Union. I was told my Twin and I were designed to be together. I felt that Truth in my heart. But I couldn’t see it in my reality. Nevertheless, I chose to follow the desire in my heart. Everything opened up and unfolded perfectly.

Trust and have Faith. Walk the path of your Heart.

Our Relationship Began to Open Up and Heal by Using the Mirror Exercise

The Mirror Exercise opens up and heals your Twin Flame Union because it identifies and releases all that is clouding your Union. When you cannot see yourself clearly due to a wounding/upset or fear-based belief, you cannot see Yourself. Your Twin Flame can’t see You. Your Twin Flame cannot see themselves.

By diligently applying the Mirror Exercise to all the upsets that arise in my heart space, I release what is not mine to hold and I begin to see myself clearly. My Twin Flame begins to see me clearly.

Clarity of your Union is inevitable with the Mirror Exercise. The choice you make by using the Mirror Exercise is the choice to heal. And the choice to heal = Union.

Just try it!

The Results of the Mirror Exercise: How Does my Twin Flame See Me Now?

Now, my Twin Flame recognizes me on a much deeper level. He feels called to explore our relationship, and has recognized the perfect connection that we share. It is so rewarding!

The results with your Twin Flame are motivation to keep going all the way. You can see and feel your Union coming into manifestation. It feels so good and alive! You’ve only known it in your heart. Until now.

Once you get going, there’s no going back. Union is inevitable.

I could spend the rest of the day talking about all the amazing ways the Mirror Exercise has healed my life… But learning the Mirror Exercise RIGHT NOW is the only thing that will truly benefit you.

Like Now.

You’ve heard the good stuff, so let’s cut to the chase and let it be yours:

The Mirror Exercise resources for you:

Chapter 5 of Twin Flames: Finding your Ultimate Lover

The Mirror Exercise: The Only Tool You’ll Ever Need YouTube Video

I highly suggest investing in the book and using the video to take you deeper. The book has a whole chapter dedicated to teaching you the Mirror Exercise perfectly and thoroughly.

Sign up for Twin Flame Ascension School (TFAS) if you desire to claim your Union. TFAS offers 450+ hours of Twin Flame teaching content which will hone you into being a MIRROR EXERCISE MASTER! Union will fall into your lap!

Twin Flames Universe offers free 20 minute Twin Flame Ascension School consultations with Vetted and Certified Ascension Coaches. (30 minutes if you’ve read Twin Flames: Finding your Ultimate Lover). If you would like to have a consultation with me personally, you can request my name Carmel, in the “what are you looking for help with” section of the Consultation Sign-up form.

About the Author

Carmel has been a live student of Jeff and Shaleia’s Twin Flame Ascension School and Life Purpose Class since early 2017. She is an athlete who is passionate about sharing Jeff and Shaleia’s work with the world. Carmel’s deepest desire is to bring people back to God through sports, in partnership with her Twin Flame, Adam.

Carmel M.P.
Twin Flames Universe Vetted Ascension Coach
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