This New Moon, the time when the sky is the darkest, is a wonderful time for setting intentions for your Twin Flame Ascension journey. With the New Moon in Aries, you can get an extra boost in working through your emotions as you feel into what is coming up in your heart. You can simply work through each upset with the Mirror Exercise and enjoy the investment you are making into matching your true vibration each time you love yourself unconditionally.
There’s a lot of Aries energy right now with the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and other cosmic bodies all in this sign. Aries energy reminds you to embrace what ignites your flame within. What you pay loving attention to and nurture within will grow and blossom into fruition.
Pick your flame and then scroll to your choice for your New Moon In Aries Twin Flame message:
“There is nothing you need to do other than the trials that appear before you: a waitress who is late with the bill before your pending flight, a car in front of you on your way to an appointment, a co-worker who upsets you regularly. You will need to pass all of these tests to remember your true nature as a Divine Being and maintaining your high vibration. You will need to remember you are love, you are peace, you are safe, you are one with All That Is. This is how you honor your Divine Self. Follow your feelings and feel your feelings when it comes to the trials that arise. You will immediately sense a light and positive feeling when you make the choice to be with your Twin Flame. Follow that feeling wherever you find it, and you will eventually experience a reality filled with that feeling.”
– From Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover by Jeff and Shaleia, Chapter 6: Harmonious Twin Flame Union: Keeping your Twin Flame For Life
The color of your flame is indigo. Pay attention to your Third-Eye Chakra during this New Moon. Visualize the life that you desire with your Twin Flame and let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs. If you like crystals you’ll enjoy Opal, Lapis Lazuli, and other crystals associated with the Third-Eye Chakra at this time.
“The truth is that there is no holding back once the Divine shows up in your life. There is no holding back and that is a beautiful, wonderful thing. There is nothing scary or fearful about it because what it means is that you are coming home, that you are home … It is so wonderful, it is so comfortable, it is so loving. It is absolute bliss, which is a state of love – when you’re not holding back, when you are in your own Heaven.”
– From Romance Attraction e-Course with Jeff and Shaleia, Lesson 6: Your Perfect Union Manifested
The color of your flame is aquamarine. Pay attention to your Throat Chakra during this New Moon.
Practice both listening and speaking from a place of loving compassion within. Spend time paying attention to your breath as you think loving thoughts about your Harmonious Twin Flame Union. If you like crystals you’ll enjoy Aquamarine, Turquoise, and other crystals associated with the Throat Chakra at this time.
“You were created by God to be in harmony with your Twin Flame … this is your home. You’re meant to be here, you were designed here, you’re never meant to leave here. So, once you understand that your home is this, that you were designed to start there, you understand your foundation is Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame. And, you can build, you are supposed to build, every aspect of your life from that foundation. It will be unshakable and unstoppable; you’re going to be amazed at the beautiful life that you can create together on a real firm, solid foundation that is based on love, harmony, truth, honesty and whatever other core values that are essential to your foundation. That’s where you start, and then from there you build your whole life.”
– From Dreams Coming True with Jeff and Shaleia, Lesson 5: A Lifetime In Love
The color of your flame is coral red. Pay attention to your Root and Sacral Chakras during this New Moon. Do something creative and grounding for yourself like walking in nature, artwork, or another activity that you enjoy. If you like crystals you’ll enjoy carnelian, citrine, and other crystals associated with your Root and Sacral Chakra at this time.
You can have it all, keep going one step at a time on your Twin Flame Ascension journey and enjoy the New Moon!
About the Author:
Aldyn Richmond is a Certified Ascension Coach, astrologer, and artist. If you would like to work with Aldyn, you can learn more here.
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