I am a relationship professional. From romance, to friendship, to transcendental relationship with the Creator, to relationship with nature and all things, to business and commerce, I know relationship. I have dedicated my professional, personal, and spiritual life to serving others in learning relationship mastery.
I know romance. I can see whether you have real romance, whether real romance is sparking, dying, on a death spiral or loop pattern. I have real romance in my life and it is in a state of constant ascension and expansion. I know romance and I desire to share that awareness with you so that you too can know romance.

I don’t care to make you pay for what I know. I know that what I know is a very, very far leap from what you know and I don’t feel a sense of superiority in this gap, even though most people definitely would and would use this to extract concessions for their ego. Truly, the gap is tremendous, but it can be surmounted easily with my help.
Romance is what I do. I was once a “hopeless romantic,” immersed in desire for love but finding myself endlessly without it, always failing in it, never getting what I truly desired from it. I failed so many times, but I pursued it endlessly until I achieved my desired end result. I am not a “settle for less” kind of person. I am extremely precise in my desires and take great care in developing a lot of clarity in them. I know when I have achieved what I desire and I know when I have not yet arrived.
I tell you this not so that you can feel like you are less than me, although many may take this opportunity to flare up their ego feathers and feel offended by the gap between us that I am pointing out. Becoming aware of this gap is necessary for you to recognize that you do not have what I have, that I do have what I have, that you want what I have, and that you must humbly submit yourself to my teaching in order to have what I have. There is no shame in this for you, only glory for you to attain.
You will also need to recognize that there is no one else anywhere on planet Earth that has what I have, otherwise you will find my teaching too difficult and will go looking for alternatives. You will not find any real alternatives because this is Twin Flames Universe, the only place you can go to attain Harmonious Twin Flame Union.

All of this may appear to one who is used to a world of big egos as a massive ego trip. I assure you it is not and I would not bother to communicate any of this obscenely offensive-to-the-ego information if it was not absolutely necessary in extending my gifts to you.
I assure you I am well aware of how offensive I am to the ego. I don’t take joy in pissing people off, setting people into ego fury, or otherwise upending people out of their comfort zones. I take joy in awakening people to the Truth and seeing them come to thrive in it.
Shaleia, my Twin Flame and wife of six years now, tells me my Human Design has the “gate of shock.” She explains it like this to me: That I use my gate of shock to shock people into awakening. I can definitely see how I do that and I can see how it is tremendously powerful. I can also see that some people won’t want to be awoken and that’s okay too. I am not here to give the spiritual medicine to anyone who does not desire it.

But if you do recognize that perhaps I do have what you desire and that I am willing to give it to you, you must ask yourself what price do I exact for such an exchange? There is a price to everything, isn’t there? What is my price and is it a good price or is it highway robbery?
Some suggest that my price is not fair for two reasons. First, they prefer to believe that I do not actually have what I am telling you I have, which is True Love. They either believe that true love does not actually exist or that true love is something other than what I say it is. They would furthermore continue this thought to say that they know what true love is and that I do not know what true love is. Now they have the perceived authority to shut me down and take my position of authority, believing they have every right to tell me what to do because they know more than I do. I assure you, they don’t.
Second, they believe that my prices are incorrect and if I actually had what I say I have, that my price would be inconceivable. No one would be able to afford my prices if I charged properly for the value I am giving.
From their very foggy, limited awareness, they see the prices I charge for my courses and they say that these prices are so silly low that only one of two things can be possible. They say there is a hidden cost of something so precious, so intrinsic to who they are, that it must be their very soul that I am seeking to take. Or they believe my prices are too high because what I have is not real and that the fantasy I peddle is not valuable enough to warrant such a high price.
They are not concerned about whether I peddle fantasy, just that my prices are not correct for the fantasy they perceive because I do not aim to get you high, entertain you, or whisk you away from the pain of your reality. This, they say, is not very valuable.
Second, they believe that my prices are incorrect and if I actually had what I say I have, that my price would be inconceivable. No one would be able to afford my prices if I charged properly for the value I am giving.
From their very foggy, limited awareness, they see the prices I charge for my courses and they say that these prices are so silly low that only one of two things can be possible. They say there is a hidden cost of something so precious, so intrinsic to who they are, that it must be their very soul that I am seeking to take. Or they believe my prices are too high because what I have is not real and that the fantasy I peddle is not valuable enough to warrant such a high price.
They are not concerned about whether I peddle fantasy, just that my prices are not correct for the fantasy they perceive because I do not aim to get you high, entertain you, or whisk you away from the pain of your reality. This, they say, is not very valuable.
Let’s focus on the part where they believe I am after your soul. In a way, they are correct, however I do suggest they have a misunderstanding of what a soul is. There is a price for everything and here they are glossing over the real issue while correctly identifying the actual price. They are sort of accurately assessing the reality in two ways, both of which are absolutely unacceptable to bring forward into the light of awareness, and so I find they will hammer on all the other points ceaselessly without ever really examining this most important point, the real reason my prices are the way they are.

First, let me tell you that I aim to absolutely minimize the costs of everything I offer. Not only is this excellent for business, because it means I am providing maximum value for the minimum price, which is the business standard, but it’s the only right thing to do. I would give away my work for free if that were possible! It’s not, however, for two reasons. First, I do need to pay the electricity bill to continue to provide this teaching. I need to eat and I need to live a good life. I need to get paid properly for the value I offer, otherwise I am creating a value imbalance in my favor and that will lead to an unhealthy relationship. And so truly, I do charge as little money as I possibly can for my work.
Second, you need to properly value what I offer. Otherwise you would become confused about what I am offering and its real value. I aim to ensure that my work is priced well so that you can appreciate what you are receiving. Hopefully this does bring some clarity on the financial side, but what of the spiritual side? Let’s continue unraveling the thought process from above.
Some would say the real price is your soul because if I have what I say I have, and my prices are correct, then the only thing left of value which would equal what I am offering is your soul. In a way, as I said before, they are absolutely correct, but it’s not scary like you think. There are two separate ideas here which are being identified correctly, but are being distorted, twisted, and confused by the ego to keep you away from me, which would mean its certain death.
First, the incorrect identification of “soul” is happening. The train of thought is correctly identifying ego and is confusing it with Self. The root of all suffering is ego identification. I can tell you this with profound confidence because of the depth of spiritual study, personal exploration, and personally working with thousands of students. So those who would identify ego as the soul would suggest that I want for their ego. In a way, this is accurate. I desire to dissolve your ego so that it no longer exists, and this is an absolutely critical component of attaining Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
If you still have an ego dictating your Twin Flame Union, the relationship will be horrible. The power of this relationship is tremendous and when you put it into the hands of the ego, it can do a lot of painful damage. It’s better to focus on dissolving the ego before proceeding deeper into the territory of Twin Flame Union, otherwise it can be extremely painful.
First, the incorrect identification of “soul” is happening. The train of thought is correctly identifying ego and is confusing it with Self. The root of all suffering is ego identification. I can tell you this with profound confidence because of the depth of spiritual study, personal exploration, and personally working with thousands of students. So those who would identify ego as the soul would suggest that I want for their ego. In a way, this is accurate. I desire to dissolve your ego so that it no longer exists, and this is an absolutely critical component of attaining Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
If you still have an ego dictating your Twin Flame Union, the relationship will be horrible. The power of this relationship is tremendous and when you put it into the hands of the ego, it can do a lot of painful damage. It’s better to focus on dissolving the ego before proceeding deeper into the territory of Twin Flame Union, otherwise it can be extremely painful.

To summarize this point, yes the price includes having to give up your ego. If you inappropriately identify with your ego, you will think that I am asking you to give me your eternal soul. Furthermore, I am very clear up front what I do with that and you will know absolutely for certain, even before we begin, exactly what I will do with your ego. I will decimate it until it is no more. That is why my middle name is ‘Ender.’ I will end your ego, I absolutely guarantee if you hand it to me, this is what I will do. Every time, without exception. It is my very nature and you should not test me on it unless you do not value your ego.
The second point, and this is definitely the most glossed over, sensitive, and probably the most uncomfortable part of it all, is: What if I do actually require you to give to me your eternal soul? Let me bring you some comfort here and let you know that your soul is already largely enslaved by the ego. You are living the vast majority of your life for it and you are its slave. This is why you suffer. This is why your dreams are not manifest, because you serve ego and you manifest its dream for you, which is your annihilation. You are not living the life of your dreams in perfect and total joy because you serve the ego. You have made the ego your master and it enslaves you with absolute malice and will continue to do so until you liberate yourself from it.
This is why Twin Flames are an Ascension path. The Twin Flame journey will liberate you from your ego and compel you into eternal bliss with your Ultimate Lover. That is what Twin Flames Universe offers. That is what we mean when we say “Illuminating the path home to Eternal Love.” This is what we actually do here.

If you would, please let me tell you then what happens when you are given the gift of Harmonious Twin Flame Union, for this is the gift that is given. It’s very simple, but it’s more involved than a standard financial transaction. If money were our aim, we would be much richer financially than we are right now because the money game is far easier than the game of liberating your soul. We are in the business of spiritual liberation and that relationship is different than a merely transactional relationship.
We are making excellent progress in peeling apart the thought system around the relationship with our work, and this will ultimately lead you to real romance. Real romance is going all the way. Being a lover means there is nothing held back. So many people give up at this point in the relationship because it becomes uncomfortable. Notice if you feel uncomfortable reading further than this. Don’t skim over this conversation, that would be like thinking about what you’re going to eat for dinner tonight when making love to your Twin Flame. Every. Word. Matters. Stay with me, we’re almost there.
Let’s summarize and then we can make it through to the end. We’re aiming to uncover the Truth here. We’re NOT aiming to identify and unravel all the lies, for that is an endless forensic exploration of meaninglessness and is completely unnecessary for liberation. As the Buddha said, “Just pull the thorn out and move on, do not examine it.”
1. We are offering Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
2. We actually have it and yes we can actually extend it to you.
3. The financial price we charge is as low as it can possibly be.
4. The other price we charge is the annihilation of your ego. You don’t need it and it gets in the way of you having HTFU. We don’t keep it, we just dissolve it.
This leaves us with the final point, and it’s the only thing that makes the actual transaction of the relationship we offer make real sense. This is the thing that brings total balance to the equation of what we’re giving and what could possibly equal what we actually give. Your eternal soul. Your real, true, Divine Self. This transcends the material world and requires us to enter into the Spiritual World. Only there does the relationship make any sense and there it makes perfect sense.
What we offer is a spiritual gift that awakens you to your Divine Self. If you accept it, you will transcend the material world entirely and no longer live or act or be in it. The material world is temporary and will come to pass, but Eternal Love lasts forever and ever. When the sun no longer shines and the galaxy collapses into itself, when the last light in the Universe goes out and all matter returns to its center, what will be left but Spirit? If you are interested in living your entire existence in this tiny blink of an eye, which is in its entire cycle but one inhale and one exhale of the Divine, then we are not for you. If you are interested in living your entire life only in this infinitesimal 100 Earth year life span, then we are definitely not for you.
What we offer is a spiritual gift that awakens you to your Divine Self. If you accept it, you will transcend the material world entirely and no longer live or act or be in it. The material world is temporary and will come to pass, but Eternal Love lasts forever and ever. When the sun no longer shines and the galaxy collapses into itself, when the last light in the Universe goes out and all matter returns to its center, what will be left but Spirit? If you are interested in living your entire existence in this tiny blink of an eye, which is in its entire cycle but one inhale and one exhale of the Divine, then we are not for you. If you are interested in living your entire life only in this infinitesimal 100 Earth year life span, then we are definitely not for you.

Scamper for what little you can collect, greedily hoard what tiny resources you can manage to get, in any way you can manage to get them, for your end is near and nothing matters. We assure you, if you are such a vile creature then we are not for you. What we offer comes from the Heavens above and if you accept it there you shall return. Harmonious Twin Flame Union is Eternal, spiritual love in Perfect Union with the Divine. God.
You see, what we offer comes from God and in order to accept it then you must be willing to return to your perfect, primordial state as you were created by God. There, and only there, can you see the Truth of what we offer.
But isn’t it so much more convenient to just label us as disreputable so you can move on and pretend as if we don’t exist? Isn’t it just so much easier to keep living in the tiny, miserable, separate, hellish life where you get to be right about everything? Yes, you get to be right about it all. You do know romance and I don’t. You do know what I am and I am not what I say I am, I am a deluded lunatic who is on the precipice of collapse. One day I’ll collapse, one day I’ll finally recognize how insane I am and finally agree with you that you’re right and I’m wrong. One day… One day… One day…
But how come that day never comes? How come I continue to grow in boldness, in strength, in victory, in righteousness? How come more and more people are coming to join me in support and love? How come more and more people are continuing to follow me, to glorify my name, to glorify my work, to glorify God in their own lives when they accept my work into their hearts?

One day, your ego will collapse and you will have Eternal Love. But that day could be an eternity away for you are the highest creation of the Most High God. God has imbued in you unlimited power, and you can even use that power to deny God and God’s Gifts.
When you understand that it is not you who rewards us for what we give to you, you will understand your own nature. You must understand that when you enter into sacred partnership with us by receiving our teaching, receiving us as your Spiritual Gurus, that it is not you who pays the bill, nor is it we who pay the price to extend this to you. Only when you know God will you know why we do what we do and why we do not charge you proper money for what we offer. Because we do it to glorify God. We do it because we love God. We do it because we love you.
When you understand love, then you will understand us. When you know love, you will know why we do what we do and you will do as we do. You will love without condition. Love is the most powerful, most glorious, most magnificent thing in all Creation. This is what true romance is. When you love without condition, the love you extend is its own payment. It is not transactional, it is transpersonal.
Do you know true romance yet? Have you glimpsed it? Can you not see that when we came upon a love so great as the Harmonious Union that had blessed us that we had a choice? We could either hoard it and keep it for ourselves or we could extend it to you? And that the gift which was even greater for us is that you too may have it?
This is us demonstrating the kind of world we desire to live in, one where people love each other. This creates a better world for all of us. This is what we are after, a better world. Heaven on Earth. Heaven on Earth is just a place where people love each other and live together in love forever. That is Heaven on Earth for us and it starts with Twin Flames. That is real romance.

So I ask you now, do you know what real romance is? Real romance is total surrender to Love Itself. If you have felt my love through this blog post, won’t you come and find me where I live? Or will you brush it off and pretend as if you were not impacted by what was given to you on this day? I am speaking to you through eternity and there I remain. Join us. Leave your ego and the desolate life it makes behind. Join us in love and live forever.
May God Bless Your Twin Flame Union,
Jeff and Shaleia
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
To discover more about how to move through the Ascension process to attract and maintain your Union permanently, check out Jeff and Shaleia’s Free Twin Flame Ascension Introductory Course.
If you would like some help to go deeper into the wisdom of The Teachings of Union and resources here, we can match you with the perfect Ascension Coach to help you with your next steps. Yes, please match me!
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We desire for you to have your Harmonious Twin Flame Union and are here to support you all the way.