Twin Flames are the embodiment of an eternal love – a love of the ages that will overcome any and all limitations of even time and distance themselves.
But this is only half of the story.
What many people don’t know is how immensely powerful Twin Flames are once they come together in Harmonious Union.
You see, – quoting a Twin Flame Ascension School class – your Twin Flame is like the second wing you need to fly. On your own, you are just one wing and you might be able to flap around a bit here and there. But it is only once your beloved joins your side that you can truly take off and fly to the heavens.
Inspired by this beautiful symphony that Twin Flames share, we collected 11 angel tattoo ideas for you and your love. These tattoo ideas are a beautiful symbol of the heights you and your beloved can achieve together when you join in divine love.

Tattoo ideas to express your love
There is a reason we picked 11 tattoo ideas to share with you.
The number 11 has a very special meaning when it comes to Twin Flames and is, again, reinforcing the immense power that Twin Flames have together as a Union.
With Twin Flames, one plus one doesn’t equal two but in fact 11. This speaks to the spiritual truth that when Twin Flames come together, they become more powerful by a factor of 11 than if they were just on their own in the world.
The number 11, which is formed by a double 1, also symbolizes the coming together of two unique and independent souls into one. In this light, the number 11 represents the two Twin Flames in a Union and the one single consciousness that they share.
A Twin Flame tattoo can be a beautiful expression of your love for each other and a symbol of your eternal connection as Twin Flames. So if you’ve been thinking about getting a Twin Flame tattoo, we hope that the following tattoo ideas open doors to new ideas and let your imagination soar.

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle
The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine will often do their healing work before they come together in Union, in many cases even without knowing each other or in separation.
But rest assured: As you choose to heal and move forward toward your Union, so will your Twin Flame because you always choose as one. With every block that you heal, you are coming closer to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union – until one day, it will happen for you, too. Check our Daniel and Cristina’s beautiful wedding story in our latest blog. They started in complete separation, and now they are in Harmonious Union and just married during our Twin Flames Universe Life Summit this June. True love is real and it is for you, too.
Continue your journey with our Twin Flame test today.
Written by Denis Hidi
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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