Have you ever sat at a wedding, watching the beautiful bride and groom dance, and thought “when will this be me?” It’s a common thought for friends of lovers. To see best friends unite through marriage is a magical experience. For them, it is a milestone, the pinnacle of their journey to this next chapter of their lives. Everyone present finds a beautiful reminder of the uniting power of Love.
Recent newlyweds Daniel and Cristina Carboni are also Twin Flames in Harmonious Twin Flame Union (HTFU), a peaceful foundation for their life together. At the 2024 Spiritual Life Summit, the Twin Flames Universe community experienced a dream come true in the warm presence of Love’s ultimate promise: “I do.” Explore the juicy details of this wedding of a lifetime.

The Final Surrender
Imagine yourself on the day of your wedding, dressed up in a gorgeous gown or suit, glittering with jewels that reflect the sparkle in your eye… It is the day you’ve dreamt of and the day you’ve planned meticulously, each and every detail. Now it’s here, for real. What do you have your attention on at this moment? Is it the placecards for the tables? The tune of the music? The exact placement of the flowers? Or is it the steadfast gaze of your best friend and lover as they wait for you at the end of the aisle before officially becoming yours?
Your wedding day can be filled with decisions and details, personalities and purchases… or it can be a simple surrender as you trust the Love in your heart and flow with the good feeling. This is what Daniel and Cristina experienced as they reached their wedding day. Surrounded by family and a supportive community of friends, they only had eyes for each other. And it is because for so long in their journey with Love, they’ve had their eyes set firmly on God. When asked what it means to be loved perfectly, Cristina shared, “because I have made the choice to love myself completely, no matter what, my Twin Flame chooses this too.” This is the confidence and peace she walked with into her wedding ceremony. No anxiety over the event or the millions of details, just a simple choice to be peaceful within herself.

All You Need is Love
All of the inner work and healing they have done to find each other, join together and now to be officially married in the Church of Union has all been because of one core choice: unconditional self-love. They know that no matter what is happening on the outside – even a bit of rain on their wedding day – the choice to love themselves without expectation within is what brings all the joy and peace they desire.
Love is a palpable vibration. It can be felt and it can be shared. Daniel and Cristina’s Harmonious Twin Flame Union became the center stage that invited each of their guests to claim their own love story. After taking their first dance, the happy couple invited all of the other Harmonious Twin Flame Union couples to join them. It was at this moment that the feeling of love in the room multiplied. For many, it was the first time they had been truly in the presence of so much Love before.
“I will never forget when Cristina and I took our first dance,” Daniel shared. “It’s like the whole world disappeared and it was just us there in that moment, in our oneness.” A sea of smiling faces all around them.

Dreams Really Do Come True
This experience with Love radiated out from the wedding ceremony and into the days and weeks ahead. Oneness with God means complete love for yourself. Daniel and Cristina healed their blocks to union knowing they have access to an unlimited source in Love. They made the choice, as you can too, to commit fully each step of the way. Daniel shared, “It was necessary for us [to do inner work], and I believe it is part of why it felt so peaceful on our special day.” This confidence led them all the way to their wedding vows and beyond.
Dreams coming true aren’t just for childhood fairytales. You have the power to receive your desires when you do the work to love yourself and never give up. Standing at the altar to marry your ultimate lover is not a “pipe dream.” It wasn’t for Daniel and Cristina, it is real. And as Cristina shared, “it is for you too.”

Indeed, this is no pipe dream. Like Daniel and Cristina, if you desire to marry your forever, take the Twin Flame Test to determine if you’re ready.
Written by Angelika Lee
Edited by Stephanie Zimmermann
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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