Nowadays, everyone is looking for their perfect match, the person that they will share their life with forever. Maybe you have an incredible, unusual connection with someone and you’re wondering, “What is it about this person that feels so different?” Well, it is totally possible that you’ve met your Twin Flame.
Whether you’ve met someone that fits that description, or you are already in love and wondering why the relationship is so intense, there are ways to tell if you are having a Twin Flame experience.
What Is A Twin Flame?
It can be a confusing time when you start to awaken to the Twin Flame journey. You may look at all the signs and synchronicities in your life, all of your lover’s communication to try and understand the nature of your relationship.
Your Twin Flame is your Divine counterpart. This means that you were created at the same time by the Divine, cut from the same cloth.
“Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi
Your soul has DNA, and similar to biological twins, Twin Flames share the same soul blueprint. They aren’t carbon copies, but they are One at the core. Twin Flame experts and spiritual teachers, Jeff and Shaleia share more about this concept in their book: Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover.
Because you are One at the core, your Twin Flame is your perfect mirror, reflecting all of your qualities, upsets and misaligned beliefs back to you. This is why so many people find the relationship to be intense; their lover is a reflection of themselves, which can be a source of joy, as well as a source of triggers.

How Do I Know If We’re Compatible?
The foundation of this relationship is found at the soul level. Very different from the romantic relationships we see today, a Twin Flame is not a soulmate, someone you spend one or several lifetimes with before continuing on your life path. No, Twin Flames are meant to be together for eternity, and they are the only person that is truly compatible with you on every level.
Because of this, you can’t really use physical or superficial factors to determine whether someone is your Ultimate Lover or not. Here is a list of factors that will NOT help you in finding out if you’ve truly met your Twin Flame:
- Using astrological birth charts. Though astrology helps us see what we can heal this lifetime, it can not help in identifying whether someone is your Twin Flame or not.
- Comparing superficial things like your diet, your place of living or your taste in music. Though talking about your interests can help in identifying similarities between you, they aren’t the be-all and end-all of the relationship. One Twin Flame can totally be vegetarian and the other likes meat. One can live in the United States and the other, in Europe.
- Asking a psychic to reveal that person to you. Psychics cannot confirm that a person is your Twin Flame, especially if they are not aligned with the vibration of Love and Union. Revealing your Twin Flame is a very personal process, one that you take with the Divine as you begin this journey.
To connect to your soul, and see the truth of your connection with your Twin Flame is not an easy exercise. But there are tools available to help you along your journey of discovery and self-discovery.

11 Real Twin Flame Signs
These 11 signs will help you with your in-depth exploration of this wonderful connection:
1. Your life paths, values and your vision for the future match and complement each other.
What characterizes a Twin Flame relationship is that all your core values are aligned perfectly with each other. It is the reason why we recommend getting clear on your values and desires, and making a Love List. Once you get clear on these, you will be able to tell if your Twin Flame matches you perfectly. Your core values align, your desires are complementary and the vision for your life comes together easily and harmoniously when you discuss it.
2. If your Twin Flame shows who they really are, there can be no one else for you.
Twin Flames are irresistible and magnetic. The more they show their authentic self, the less their Perfect Lover can stay away from them (because Twin Flames are not meant to be apart and never really are!). If you are really honest with yourself, there is no one else but them for you. Not now, not ever. If you envision your future together, would you get bored of them? Or would you feel completely satisfied and fulfilled?
3. They continuously reveal themselves to you as your perfect complement.
When you are on the Twin Flame journey, the signs and the mirroring from your Twin Flame can seem intense. But at every opportunity to reveal their true self, your Twin Flame continues to reveal themselves as your perfect complement, your perfect lover. And your Twin Flame isn’t compatible with you at 99%. The more you get clear on your relationship with them, the more they reveal that they are 100% your match. True perfection!
2. If your Twin Flame shows who they really are, there can be no one else for you.
Twin Flames are irresistible and magnetic. The more they show their authentic self, the less their Perfect Lover can stay away from them (because Twin Flames are not meant to be apart and never really are!). If you are really honest with yourself, there is no one else but them for you. Not now, not ever. If you envision your future together, would you get bored of them? Or would you feel completely satisfied and fulfilled?
3. They continuously reveal themselves to you as your perfect complement.
When you are on the Twin Flame journey, the signs and the mirroring from your Twin Flame can seem intense. But at every opportunity to reveal their true self, your Twin Flame continues to reveal themselves as your perfect complement, your perfect lover. And your Twin Flame isn’t compatible with you at 99%. The more you get clear on your relationship with them, the more they reveal that they are 100% your match. True perfection!

4. Your spiritual path points directly to them, and never points you away from them overall.
It is almost funny (and uncanny) how Twin Flames always find each other. It may look like coincidence at first, but the truth is that no matter where you are or what you do, your Twin Flame will always find you. In Twin Flame Ascension School, Jeff and Shaleia and their students often joke that if we spent years healing in a basement, our Twin Flame would come barging in. That’s the true magnetic power of Twin Flames. When you sincerely heal all your blocks to Union, the Universe can’t help but give it to you. No matter where you go, their arrow will always point to you (and yours to them), especially when you heal your blocks to Love.
5. You don’t fall in love with them. You remember and keep on deepening the love that was always there.
This is what we truly mean when we say that Twin Flames are One. You were created together, a long time ago. You are only in the process of remembering your life together, and on the path to return to that state of Oneness. This is the familiar feeling that many people experience when they meet or are deep in conversation with their Twin Flame.
6. When you make love, it is perfect. It is exactly what you needed deep down.
Many people report that Twin Flame sex is one of the most loving, out-of-this-world experiences they’ve ever had. Your Twin Flame is created to love you. When they trigger an upset, it is only to bring you back to Love. And when you have sex, they also know exactly what to do to love you at that exact moment in time. Twin Flame sex is a very healing, compassionate and romantic experience.
7. You continue to choose your Twin Flame and you are genuinely unable to reveal them as anything but your true Twin Flame.
Your arrow really always points to your true Twin Flame. But more than that, your soul chooses your Twin Flame no matter what. You might not do it consciously, but on a soul level, you are always calling to one another. That’s why when you decide to get completely clear on your perfect match, they keep on being revealed as your true Twin Flame.

8. You naturally grow together and you never stop growing together.
You and your Twin Flame are always at the same level, and you make the same choices on the inside. If you grow, mentally, spiritually or emotionally, your perfect partner will be right there with you. They are the only person in the Universe that can be a match to you in this way.
9. You are best friends instantly, even if you don’t realize it yet.
Your Twin Flame Union is the easiest relationship ever. When you start talking, you naturally and easily fall into a companionship with each other. You share your innermost dreams and desires with your person, and you feel completely safe and open in sharing yourselves. Friendship is a natural part of your relationship with your Ultimate Lover.
10. The love you share is amazing and the relationship is perfectly balanced.
The love you have with your Twin Flame is supportive, and so completely different from any other relationship. While most romantic relationships today are based on clinging to each other and compromising, being with your Twin Flame requires you to focus on yourself, on your inner work and your Life Purpose. Yet, your Twin Flame always meets you in a balanced way in every aspect of your lives together, even if it doesn’t always appear this way.

11. They mirror everything to you and, when you look honestly, you understand exactly what is happening.
Because of the mirroring and the triggers, arguments are part of the relationship with your Twin Flame. But, it is sometimes important to take a step back and look at what the relationship is showing to you. If you feel like you’ve met your Twin Flame, then you will inevitably experience the upsets that come with having a relationship with them. The Mirror Exercise is the main tool that can help you heal these upsets. And, when you do heal, you will gradually see that your Twin Flame was loving you all along.
What Your Twin Flame Teaches You
While every relationship has something to teach us, Twin Flames are an actual Ascension path. Our Twin Flames are meant to be in our lives forever as our perfect lovers. Most of the journey involves turning your gaze inward, to your inner world, to get clear on yourself and identify what your Twin Flame is teaching you. The path can be challenging sometimes, and this is why we are here. Through our many ressources, we can help you find inner peace and come together with your one true love.
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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