Do you desire Twin Flame reunion but are feeling lost on how to claim it?
Maybe you were in Union at one point with your Twin Flame but came out of it, or are still exploring your connection. In truth, you are and have always been in Union with your Twin Flame. You know them in your heart and the desire to reunite has always been there.
Your Twin Flame is your eternal lover and companion, you are One at your core. All that is preventing you from seeing that you are already in Union are blocks to Love. These blocks can be healed and moved through.
The Dreams Coming True E-Course, dives deep into how to claim and manifest your Harmonious Twin Flame Union so that you can create your dream life together with your Twin Flame. This blog is inspired by this course and focuses on how to claim reunion by connecting with your feelings and creating a Love List. The life of your dreams is yours to claim, and the way to manifest it is within you.
So, how do you claim your Twin Flame reunion and manifest your perfect life of love with them?
The Feeling of Harmonious Twin Flame Union
What does Harmonious Twin Flame Union feel like? This may seem very difficult to imagine while experiencing separation. Maybe your Union feels so far out of reach from you right now that it feels impossible to even imagine reunion. No matter where you are on your journey you can always tap into the feeling of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union because it is now.
Harmonious Twin Flame Union feels like there’s no other partner you could have and no one is better for you. There’s no energy leaking because all the Love invested into the relationship stays in it. There’s a deep understanding between each other and this leads to amazing communication. There are no blocks or barriers to Love and loving, and you are choosing and committing to each other.
Being in harmony feels like you’re doing one thing, expressing all of yourself. Your Twin Flame is complementing you perfectly because they support you through who they are. Nowhere in your Union do you feel you are betraying yourself and there’s nothing that’s true to you that won’t be supported.
Your heart knows when you’re not with your Twin Flame. No one else will feel good or right to you because there is no real eternal depth to any other relationship. Your Twin Flame is your only appropriate partner and you were created to be together. God did not create you to be alone.
When you’re in a karmic relationship and not with your Twin Flame you feel dissatisfied and it’s a leak of energy. You are your own individual but not the fullest expression of yourself without Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
You and your Twin Flame are like two wings of one bird. You’re complements rather than copies and are whole on your own but are able to completely express your shared consciousness together. Separation feels bad, very bad and it’s not where you were created to stay. This may be where you’re at right now and that’s okay.
All of these feelings can be moved through and the experiences transcended. Your Twin Flame is your perfect mirror and they are showing you where your shared consciousness is out of alignment with Love. You’re not stuck here in these feelings of separation. There is indeed a way out and you have the choice of being completely supported on that path.
In your Harmonious Twin Flame Union, there is not an end goal because you continuously unfold and expand in Love. You are with someone who you have an eternal relationship with and once you arrive in harmony you can design your entire life together. Harmonious Union is your eternal experience with God and it is your foundation.
Creating a Love List
A Love List describes your heart’s deepest desires and helps you focus your energy. You can create a Love List for anything you want but for now let’s focus on creating one for your Twin Flame. Your Love List will contain what you desire in a partner and your relationship.
It’s important to get very clear on your desired experience as this helps you to manifest it. You can write as much as you want and need to. Also, keep in mind that you’re not asking for too much and your Twin Flame shares your core values.
To create your Love List you must first connect with your heart and feelings. This is where your Union lives and where you’ll meet your Twin Flame. If you’re having a little trouble connecting to your Twin Flame in your heart, a great resource to try is, the attracting your Twin Flame meditation in Jeff and Shaleia’s book Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover.
Once you feel them in your heart, begin to create your Love List. It’s important to create from a place of peace. Get clear on your core values. What’s most important to you? Do you value loyalty, commitment, or play? Your list may be more detailed and descriptive. For example, I desire my relationship with my Twin Flame to be a safe space for us to be and express ourselves.
There really aren’t any rules for creating a Love List, however it’s important to focus on your heart and your values rather than physical characteristics or personality traits. Whether or not they’re super fit isn’t necessarily as important as valuing their health and wellbeing.
Also, keep in mind that you and your Twin Flame will grow into the values on your Love Lists. Even if you’re Twin Flame doesn’t perfectly embody every aspect on your list right now, it’s something that they will grow into. Remember, your Union is always growing and you are going deeper together.
Your Love List is something you are encouraged to revisit and add to over time as well. It’s important to keep up on what’s important to you and what you value most. As you go deeper on this journey you may discover more core values that you have or desire to adjust some things.
In your heart is where your Union is and it’s happening right now. If you desire Twin Flame reunion, creating a Love List is a wonderful way to get clear on the relationship you desire to manifest.
Claiming and Manifesting Your Reunion
You’ve tapped into the feelings of Harmonious Union and created your Love List, so now it’s time to claim and manifest your Twin Flame reunion. You’re actually in Union right now.
You’ve never left that place of harmony with your Twin Flame. Your blocks keep you from seeing you’re already in Union. Your Twin Flame is loving you by mirroring where you’re not loving yourself. You’re meant to heal with your upsets with your Twin Flame and move through the challenges together.
Challenges in your Union will mirror where you are out of alignment with God. You will never feel peace and harmony if you run from your blocks. You attract external experiences by how you feel inside and your experiences are replicated until you heal them.
Using the Mirror Exercise you can heal your blocks to Union. The Mirror Exercise is a four step process that guides you into the place within where you need love yourself. Giving yourself the Love and everything you need is easy and instant. When you have loved yourself completely in the place that was feeling hurt, you will find a deep sense of peace and feeling of relief.
The inner work works even if it doesn’t always reflect in your reality immediately. As you become more aware of your feelings you will see things manifest externally. The most important thing is what you feel within yourself now. This is what guides you home.
In the Dreams Coming True E-Course, there are 5 feelings listed to guide you home into Union:
- Deep sense of relaxation. Feeling relaxed allows you to open up completely and feel safe in doing so. When you feel more relaxed you know you are coming Home.
- Deep sense of stability and security. Knowing your Union is unbreakable and protected by God.
- Awesome sense of freedom. Being yourself is freedom and Union is the fullest expression of yourself. When you come Home you become completely free.
- Love. As you heal and clear your blocks to Union you will find an ever-expanding feeling of Love. You will be overflowing with Love.
- Intimacy. The final feeling of being deeply connected.
If you follow these feelings and practice the Mirror Exercise you will come Home to Love and your Union with your Twin Flame. Union is your natural state of being and when you arrive you will be all of who you are.
Twin Flame reunion is not out of your reach and it doesn’t need to be a difficult or lonely journey. Your Union is right now, in this moment, and that means you can always connect with the feeling of harmony within yourself.
Creating a Love List introduces you to your Twin Flame and helps you get clear on your values. Having clarity is essential for manifesting your desires. Your Love List contains your Union’s core values and can always be added to or refined. Your Union is always growing and going deeper so if your Twin Flame doesn’t perfectly align with everything immediately that’s okay.
Reunion is something you claim in your heart and commit to healing all of your blocks to Love. The healing process is made easy by using the Mirror Exercise as well as with the help of an Ascension Coach. Follow your feelings and know that your heart knows the way Home.
For more support on your journey check out our free Introductory Twin Flame Course.
Written by Abbey Campbell
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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