“In true love, you attain freedom.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
On your journey and path to harmonious Union with your true Twin Flame, you will notice that you have made the critical decision to be in love for the first and last time of your eternal existence. Your soul is fully spreading Its wings and has decided to expand fully and encompass ALL OF YOU! This is why you experience challenges with your Twin Flame because despite them being a unique soul unto themselves, they are also an aspect of you, and thus, you are going to experience the inevitable Mirroring Effect that comes with the territory of Twin Flames. This is only ever an opportunity to love yourself and NEVER an opportunity to try and change what you don’t like about your Twin Flame (who is you). Just be logical, you do not like or appreciate when some unsolicited individual is trying to tell you what to do and what to change about yourself. If anything, you run in the opposite direction.
When you choose your Twin Flame and do your spiritual work in the direction of harmonious Twin Flame Union (and perfect Union- which is the next step after attaining HTFU), you will naturally be a bright, shining, compassionate, and loving Light in the world that people will look up to. Some will shy away from you and others will outright challenge you. This is a direct result of claiming your Perfect Heaven on Earth, and being a Way-Shower on the leading edge of Divine Consciousness in a world that has been living in the hell of the illusion of separation-consciousness from their Divinity, Twin Flame, and Loving Creator. At times, you may feel alone, but those are the times when you can look upon your Beloved in your Heart (and in the physical) and know that you are not alone and that God has never ever abandoned you.
More and more people in the spiritual communities are in the process of awakening to the Truth that they have a Twin Flame, and the more these people have direct access to Twin Flame material and information guided in the Light of Truth, the better for humanity as a Whole to get into harmonious Union with their true Twin Flame. Many people believe they know the way and teach from that place, but discernment, and asking your Creator or guardian angel to show you a sign to properly direct you to the purest Twin Flame content and Reunion process available on the planet today, will be the bright guiding Light on your path to your permanent harmonious Twin Flame Union. If you have found that pure portal, it is suggested not to deviate to other information channels that directly and indirectly implants false material, and are actually teaching separation, no matter how convincing they may appear on the outside. Train yourself to go beyond appearances and look deeply within that person/couple and see what choices they’re making and what their true underlying intent for sharing the information is. Ask God to help show you and see their business and content through the Eyes of the Divine, who only ever sees and knows the Truth. Once you master this, you can never be fooled or betrayed again.
While inspired action steps are absolutely important and critical to the process of you entering your harmonious Twin Flame Union, what you’ll notice the majority of your spiritual journey getting there is actually a lot of inner work, patience, meditating, and being with yourself and the Divine. It’s very important to always make sure you are aligned to your Divine Self before initiating any external action steps toward your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame will reveal to you where you are and are not aligned when you approach and communicate with them. But if you are aligned, trust that you are being perfectly led, even if what you hope to happen (likely via expectations which is control), does not happen and it feels like you just took 50 steps backwards. Even from that place, you are being directly shown the way forward, and you are actually closer rather than further away from harmonious Union, because now you know what core blocks to your Divine Love must be cleared away before you can vibrate to the energy pattern of harmonious Twin Flame Union. Be patient with yourself and very very compassionate. This isn’t a simple and temporary soul-mate relationship you are entering, this is the Heaven on Earth of ALL relationships you are entering, and it requires enormous compassion, love, and loving of yourself and your Twin Flame.
You may be tempted to look at your Twin Flame and believe they got the easy-end of the stick, but remember: THEY ARE YOU. So, no need to get jealous or upset, because you have a different role in healing the separation-consciousness between you two. Trust God in leading you forward and focus on what you need to do and not what your Twin Flame needs to do. This type of general attitude typically triggers the victim mentality of “I’m the ‘awakened’ Twin Flame and they are not.” If you believe that then you are not seeing your Twin Flame properly. Your Twin is just as enlightened as you are on the inside, and they are working on healing and/or they are holding deep space for you to do critically deep healing work.
I personally see this happen in my Union all the time, especially when I am on my monthly Mooning cycle. Jeff will hold space for me as I go deep into clearing and healing for myself and for the both of us, and sometimes it’s easier and quicker for me to heal something in our Union then for Jeff to do it. So, out of compassion and ease for us both, I’ll do the healing work, and the same is true for him when he goes deep into healing, and it’ll appear like I’m holding our external life down while he goes Within. This is sometimes the reason why on the outside it looks like your Twin Flame won’t leave their false significant other for you or appear to make any move toward being with you, because they are holding the external down and maintaining inner stability while you are upheaving the old patterns in the way to your harmonious Twin Flame Union. This is what teamwork can look like, so it’s important not to judge your Twin Flame or yourself, but choose to be acutely aware of the bigger picture and Divine Order at work.
One of the single most important lessons your Twin Flame will reveal to you is: “do you unconditionally love me no matter what?” Including if they are currently choosing to be in a romantic relationship with someone else or plainly doesn’t desire to be in a romantic relationship. Until you show them, yourself, and feel it as the Truth in your Heart, that in fact you do love your Twin Flame unconditionally, harmonious Union will not be a Reality for you. Twin Flame Union is ALWAYS grounded in unconditional love because it is a Divine Love by nature.
So what can you focus on right now while you are in the process of permanently entering your harmonious Twin Flame Union?
Simple. Become intimate and friendly with your Present Moment and each and every FEELING that arises from within you. No matter how it makes you feel, it’s important not to judge your feelings or suppress them back down, because feeling your feelings without judgement or expectation and doing your Twin Flame Mirror Exercise work taught in our book, will relieve you from your old vibration and way of Being, and free you to the vibration of your harmonious Twin Flame Union forever. This isn’t a pipe dream, but a Reality that Jeff and I and other people at our Twin Flame Ascension School are actually living. These are the spiritual practices that will magnetize you and your Twin Flame together and are complementary to any other spiritual or religious practices you may have in your life.
If you are not sure how you are feeling, you can ask your angels or the Divine to give you guidance and signs as to what feelings you might be numbing out to. Being particular about your spiritual vibration will help you increase it and attract your harmonious Twin Flame Union. Any and all numbed out feelings that are blocking your Twin Flame Union from happening must be gently felt and released (watch our video to help you get clear). You need not dwell on the thorn of the past, just simply pull it out and love the part of yourself that has felt separate from Source and Love. As you continue to love yourself and your feelings, you will notice your external world reflecting the profound inner spiritual work you have embarked upon, which also results in your choice in having your harmonious Twin Flame Reunion.
Lastly, give yourself permission to feel your feelings and allow it to be just that. If you need to sit around and be grumpy then that’s what you should do. You’re not perpetuating being grumpy and agitated, what’s actually happening is that the upset is being released in your vibration. Yes, you can still be all “love and light” while releasing and being slightly grumpy. Have compassion for yourself and for that part of you that has been feeling upset. This is your way through it and to uniting with your beloved Twin Flame. One of the primary reasons why I have been thorough on this topic is because your issues and upsets will not end at the doorway of your harmonious Twin Flame Union. Your Twin Flame will STILL mirror your thoughts out-of-alignment with your Perfect Union to God, Self, and your Twin Flame.
I cannot clearly state enough the absolute and supreme Truth that Twin Flame Union is *designed* as an Ascension Path to God. And who better to help and love you all the way there but your One True Eternal Love? My appreciation and gratitude to Jeff for this service he does for me is unfathomably deep and boundless.
Loving You in Truth Always,
Come join weekly recorded classes of the most leading-edge Twin Flame information and step-by-step process of permanently entering your harmonious Twin Flame Union for the first and last time
at Twin Flame Ascension School!
Jeff and Shaleia are true Twin Flames in harmonious Union. This is currently a very rare experience on this planet although their pioneering work in Twin Flames is changing this statistic. In their Twin Flame Ascension School they are teaching the truth of Twin Flame Union as a direct Ascension Path to the Divine. Committing to your harmonious Union is in actuality committing to your spiritual path of Ascension, in other words, dissolving your ego and claiming your Divinity fully at the right side of your Mother/Father God.
Jeff has his BBA from Western Michigan University and has created businesses in the past based on self-development and lifestyle design. Shaleia attended Laurentian University for Psychology with a minor focus on Women Studies. She has a degree in Graphic Design and graduated with Honors in Digital Photography and Imaging at Georgian College. She consciously began her ascension path when she was 18 years old with her studies in Taoism, A Course In Miracles, Channeling, Reiki certification, and other forms of energy healing work.
Shaleia met her spiritual teacher in Sedona, AZ in 2012 where she began healing separation-consciousness from her Twin Flame with the spiritual tools and knowledge that were passed down to her. Jeff joined her sessions later on and they have now mastered their harmonious Twin Flame Union, which has enabled them to teach it to others. They got married in January 2016, and have a sweet golden doodle puppy named Charlie.
They are authors of the beloved Twin Flame book: “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,” on Amazon. Jeff and Shaleia developed two ecourses to assist you into your harmonious Twin Flame Union: Their first 24 lesson course guarantees harmonious Union is “Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True.” Their 8 lesson course called “Twin Flames: Romance Attraction” teaches you how to develop true love within to increase your magnetism and beauty for manifesting and deepening your Twin Flame Union. This course also guarantees your harmonious Twin Flame Union.