In the hit Netflix series, Love Is Blind, singles take a chance on intense blind dating with options for marriage. In a world where online dating and extreme matchmaking situations exist, like this tv series portray, it seems like love is not only blind but not even real. How do you find real love, and what’s the secret behind matches that stick together? Let’s break this down and talk about some real solutions and answers for the age-old question: Is love really blind?

What is Love?

First of all, what are we calling love? So many of us grow up with fantasy portrayals of love or experience of all sorts of trauma, codependency, and lust under the label of “love.” Love is actually not the drama we see on tv. True love is peaceful. It’s a feeling of expansion rather than contraction. It’s the deep truth of what we’re made of. It is unconditional and very real.

Actual love is also not based on superficial things, either. One thing the tv show gets right is allowing couples time to get to know each other without the illusion of appearances. True love is more like a recognition, or a “song that only you can hear, ” as Oscar Wilde put it.

How Do You Find True Love?

You could sign up for Love Is Blind (just kidding!), or take the step by step revealing process of the Twin Flame journey. Your true love or Twin Flame already exists and already loves you deeply. The way to bring them into your life is to release any blocks to them. There is a whole community ready to help you through and out of Twin Flame separation.

If It’s Not ‘Love Is Blind’ And Not About Appearances, Then What Is It?

How do you know?

If you’ve never done much soul searching or are confused about who YOU are at the core, then it may be difficult to recognize your true love or Twin Flame at first. Many people on the Twin Flame journey experience a false Twin Flame at some point or another. Not to fear, a false Twin is just there to help you heal some key things in the way of your actual Twin Flame.

It’s also a revealing process to know who your true Twin is. That is, you will go through lots of experiences and healing designed to show you without a shadow of doubt that this person is the one for you. Also, not everyone’s path will look the same as every Union is unique.

Who Is Ready for True Love?

Anyone who feels the call in their heart is ready to undertake the journey. It’s not a matter of Divine timing, as many people like to think. It’s more a Divine order of healing. You have to clear the core blocks to true love in order for it to show up in your reality. Some things have to heal before other things have room to show up. (If a window is dirty and shuttered, for instance, how can the light get through?) Luckily, there’s a Twin Flame test to find out how ready you are.

Love Is Blind Then?

In my experience, I’d say no. It’s more like remembering something that was always there to begin with.

Written by C.F.

Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!