Nervous about the holidays? Wondering how you’ll get through another trigger-fest with family and friends? Wishing your Twin Flame would just get on board this season? Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. 

You may be in Union or separation, but here are some ideas and tools on how to support yourself no matter what’s coming up. And the coolest part? As you navigate through the upsets and healing, you set up your Union for joyful holiday seasons from here on out.

1. Give Yourself Space to Feel and Heal

Your whole reality is a reflection of what is going on inside of you, so it’s not just your Twin Flame mirroring you. You can use what comes up with family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. at the heightened time of the holidays as a perfect healing tool on your Twin Flame journey with the Mirror Exercise. Added bonus: when you face down the upsets and love yourself NOW, you help to make the next holiday even better.

2. Give Yourself the Holiday Experience You Want to Have

Instead of expecting your Twin or family to hand you a magical holiday, you can feel into– what would I like to experience this year? Getting clear here allows you to give yourself the feelings you are desiring instead of expecting (and being disappointed by) things on the outside. It also gives relief to everyone around you when you don’t make them into your source of Love. When you heal in this area, you’ll be surprised at how your reality shifts from holiday triggers to holiday peace.

healing holidays with christmas cheer

3. Make a Love List

You might have made a list of toys you wanted from Santa as a child. The Love List is a grown-up version of this, or a way to get clear on your desires with God. You can make a list of desires for your Union, for your Life Purpose, for your home, your family, your entire reality. In an ideal world, what would feel really good to you? Write it down, and let it go. This is the beginning of manifesting it in your world.

4. Allow Yourself to Be

The holidays can be a hectic stream of events and obligations if you let it. Give yourself time to be in nature, in wonder, and in peace. It’s ok to say no to things and events that don’t feel good to you. Setting boundaries on your time and energy will also feel so healing to you and your Twin.

On the other hand, if you find yourself unhappily alone for the holidays, you can use the Mirror Exercise to heal the parts of you calling for love and companionship. Remember you can claim your power back from people, places, and things that are seemingly taking it away.

For Example: 

My Twin and I were used to holidays full of family, parties, and holiday triggers. Our first Christmas together, we decided to spend the entire day at home with each other cooking, staying in pajamas, watching movies, and making art. We were both so pleasantly surprised by how peaceful, sweet, and fulfilling our day was! Instead of feeling drained by the holidays, we felt so beautifully full. We’ve decided to keep this our Christmas day tradition from here on out.

family healing, a holiday rite of passage

5. Let Go of Perfectionism

So the eggnog is missing, and the mistletoe is in the wrong place. The Hannukah candles aren’t the right color, and the pies are slightly burnt. How are you feeling in your heart? Are you holding yourself up to some idea of how things should go, or are you truly following what feels peaceful and good to you? Put a boundary on ego’s false perfectionism, and claim the Divine perfection within you. Even a moment of this is holiday healing indeed.

6. Plan Special Dates to Invest in Your Union

My last tip for navigating the holidays is to plan time to do something special with your Twin. Even if you are in separation, the time you invest in loving yourself and your Twin is never wasted. Can you take yourself out to do something you love? Remember you and your Twin are one at the core, so loving you is loving them. If you are in Union, can you do something you both enjoy? Feel into your heart for ideas from God. You’ll find the healing holiday experiences you both desire there.

These are a few suggestions for navigating the holidays on the Twin Flame journey. Something to keep in mind is that people with lovely and amazing holiday experiences aren’t lucky. They’ve built and cultivated their reality to have them. And the best part about it? You can have amazing holiday experiences, too.

Find the Love List, healing tools, and all our free resources at the end of our Twin Flame Test.

Written by C.F.

Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!