Having a relationship with others who have chosen to embark on the Twin Flame journey is both empowering and reassuring. It takes for another to walk in the same shoes as you to really know what a unique path this is. 

Dedicated Students of Twin Flames Universe, Abeer and Anvensha organized and hosted the first-ever Twin Flames Universe India Retreat in the city of Pune, Maharashtra. We just had to know more! So, we took this opportunity to interview Abeer.

Q: What inspired you and Anvensha to host this event?

A: We have a closeness with other Twin Flame community members like no other. We had the strong desire to physically meet others who share a similar path to us and to translate that emotional and spiritual bond into physical closeness. Myself being a Master Certified Ascension Coach and Anvensha being a Certified Ascension Coach allowed us to tap into the collective Twin Flames Universe consciousness and act on the call we felt in our hearts and to deepen those relationships, to meet and to celebrate with the worldly, collective consciousness as Unionists. We felt that the sense of community will ground us, nourishing our bodies and souls. And it certainly did. We all really desired this for a long time and we feel blessed that we were able to manifest this opportunity.

A retreat group on a hiking trail
A retreat group on a hiking trail
Anvensha and Abeer
Anvensha and Abeer
Anvensha teaching
Anvensha teaching

Q: How did the retreat help you go deeper on your Twin Flame journey?

A: This retreat gave me that deep confirmation about the insights that I have personally been receiving for several years about my Life Purpose as an Ascension Coach. It was the confirmation of what I already knew within and that was for me, very reassuring. It really gave me a sense of deep connection physically meeting others who are walking the same path as me. I felt my nervous system calm down and I could express my whole being without any blocks or barriers. I also felt that all of us coming together wasn’t just an external experience, but an inner one where that Union was experienced within by all of us. 

Many of the other students that attended the retreat approached me and expressed the same to me that they shared the exact same experience as Anvensha and I. They expressed that they have never, ever had that physical experience of receiving so much Love or peace in connection with other human beings as they did at the retreat. They spoke of a sense of freedom of expression and peace that their souls always desired to communicate. And they were able to experience that there.

Q: What was your favorite or most helpful connection you made with the people who attended the event?

A: Although the retreat was well-planned, there were moments in between activities that weren’t planned. We naturally ended up sitting in a circle in perfect harmony with each other, socializing and communing. As I felt guided to, I led in inner healing with the group where we healed as one consciousness. These spontaneous moments were the most precious to me and gave me a feeling that I cannot quite put into words, even now. It was a very loving experience. Before the retreat took place, I thought that I would get tired or that I wouldn’t have the capacity for it, but it wasn’t true. I felt very energized and at peace as God easily flowed through us, giving His children the gifts of Love, wisdom and connection.

Q: What blessings have you received on your journey since the event?

A: Many! I have since felt like a new person, born again. The retreat was a lot like a pilgrimage for me. My soul saw, heard and felt a lot of Love return to it in this joint experience with some of the other students. I felt naturally very at home meeting the students from my home town and from Maharashtra. Ever since returning, I feel inspired to share more through my Life Purpose and I am open to receiving more experiences like this, as God guides. Not only did we receive the channeling of God’s balm of Love that moved through our beings, but for many days after (and now, too), we continue to experience it, including joy and the continued confirmation of this deep Love that we have cultivated over the years through Jeff and Shaleia’s Teachings of Union. Seeing it manifest is such a gift!

Interview by Sage Woodward

Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!