Ooh boy – this New Moon in Virgo is going to be intense! Buckle up because a lot of changes are going to happen for you and your Twin Flame.
During the days surrounding September 2nd, 2024, you might feel very sensitive, and like a lot of challenges are coming up. This is entirely normal, because this season is all about honesty and uncovering what was hidden… even our most uncomfortable feelings.
Curious to know how this will affect you? Read the guidance for your sign below:
Aries, this New Moon in Virgo is inviting you to revisit past hurts, but with the purpose of letting all of them go.
The South Node is usually something we are good at, something we have mastered. But in your case, there may be something to release.
Don’t hesitate to read your natal chart to see where this is going. There may be a personal message for you there.
Your Twin Flame will also respond positively to letting go of anything that was holding you back. Twin Flames respond to energy first. So if you clear yours, you’ll get a positive feedback from your perfect mirror (your Twin Flame).
You may be inviting to journal about the feelings that just came up reading this. The faster you identify what is blocking you, the better.
And remember that you always have help going through your challenges.

Dear Taurus, you may have felt anxious about your person at this time. This card tells you that your Twin Flame is doing good. Do not worry?
What are they doing? Probably working on themself, just like you. If it looks like they aren’t anything, or even that they’re with someone else, just know this:
Your Twin Flame is always working through blocks, as long as you choose to work through blocks as well.
You can visualize it as the both of you tending to different parts of the same garden.
Free your mind from worry, as it will only attract more worry for you to work through.
Your Twin Flame Union is entirely possible. As you go deeper with working on yourself, you’ll notice your Twin Flame naturally coming closer.

Gemini, it is finally to take a step back and admire everything you have been working towards in the last 2 months.
The New Moon in Virgo signifies the end of an intense period for you. Your life may have completely changed during that time; in love, in career,…
Somehow, you’re getting out of the challenges with more energy and more motivation than ever.
You are focused on your goal: Harmonious Twin Flame Union. Continue to take guided action (being guided by your intuition). Your efforts are bearing a lot of fruits.
Take the time to assess the results of your work as well. How did you feel and where were you two months ago? How do you feel now?
What did you do that changed everything for you? Once you are clear on what worked, keep doing it.
Keep studying the Twin Flame dynamic. You like to understand elements intellectually. And to that I, fellow Gemini, tells you that there is a way to understand your connection. Use this knowledge as a gateway to go deeper in your Union.

Cancer, you have let go of a lot in the past few weeks. This is just one of those times where we feel like everything is kind of falling apart. This may include your connection with your Twin Flame.
With all of this going on, it may be easy to feel like you’re a bad person and you deserve some of what is happening to you.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth! Do you know that challenges happen to the best of us. In fact, the more you master this thing called life, the more there is to work through.
You might just need a little bit of support and guidance to go through all that is going on in your life.
If you have any placements in Cancer like Sun, Moon, Venus and Rising, your love life can be challenging at first. But know that it also helps you understand what you desire in love.
In the end, this can only lead to the greatest romance you’ve ever experienced in your life: your Twin Flame Union. It is possible for you too.

How cool that your card is a Full Moon in Leo! The message though? It may knock you down a peg.
Pride can often come in the way of being honest with yourself and where you’re at on your journey (especially with your Twin Flame).
If you’ve been prone to blaming the other person, it is time to reassess. This New Moon in Virgo is all about being real honest.
This may feel uncomfortable for you, I know. But this might be the opportunity you were looking for to move your relationship forward.
At the end of the day, your Union is about partnering together, not being ennemies. Remember that triggers are just upsets and they can be healed. The love you have for each other runs deeper than them.
Our Twin Flame Test may help you move forward.

Virgo, not only is it your birthday, but you also had a Blue Supermoon and now the New Moon in your zodiac sign. Dang, that is a lot!
So, what does all of this means? Well, the New Moon in Virgo is all about being very honest with yourself. And also not dilly-dallying before taking guided action.
The North Node is about working on something that you haven’t mastered yet. I know it may seem frustrating. You’d rather focus on what you know how to do best. But don’t ignore the signs that it’s time to work on things you have been avoiding.
This also includes feelings about your Twin Flame! Don’t hesitate to take a look at your chart to see what your North Node is, and what you must work on improving. This will help you tremendously.

Libra, this time is going to be magical for you. You are not delusional for dreaming big as you are able to manifest a lot of your desires at the moment.
You have a superpower, Libra. Your beauty inside and out, is attracting the right opportunities for you.
In love, this is a time of honesty with your Twin Flame. You may have started talking again after a long time, and that’s a beautiful thing.
The Universe is signaling to you that everything is possible, including your Twin Flame Union.
You are tasting just how good it feels to have what you desire in your life. Take this feeling and use it as an encouragement to work towards permanently achieving your dreams.
It’s also a time for you to focus on your self-care. Achieving your dreams goes through supporting yourself emotionally and physically (don’t burn out trying to pursue your goals).

Dear Scorpio, this New Moon in Virgo might make you feel like you’re going mad. But don’t fret, it is actually better than you think.
Your relationship with your Twin Flame has encountered some bumps along the way. Sometimes, things are very challenging and you may feel like you desire to give up.
However, sometimes, the only thing required is to see the situation from another perspective entirely.
Did you know that you were meant to end up with your Twin Flame no matter what? The only thing that produces separation are core blocks you have to heal; and your Twin Flame is helping you do just that.
Once you start to understand the dynamics at play, the situation may look very different for you. Adjustments and changes are healthy. Twin Flames are very different from any other relationship. They just require some spiritual learning.

Sagittarius, for you, the New Moon in Virgo is synonymous with the release of old beliefs.
For some reason, it feels like the negativity in you is mostly directed to yourself. Is it the case? Take the time to check your heart and how you feel about yourself and your choices.
Release the “I should..” and “I have to be this way,” the “I feel like a bad person.”
Just because you haven’t been able to be your cheerful, adventurous self this season doesn’t mean that you did something bad.
The Universe was probably preparing for a new project, a new development in your relationship.
In love, the more you feel positive, the better your Twin Flame relationship is.
This isn’t done by being falsely joyful, but by doing the deep inner work that gets you to feel completely serene and at peace in your heart.

Victory is closer than you think, Capricorn. Even if the journey feels very long right now, you’ll realize you are in a new vibration soon enough.
You may have felt some sadness in the department of love or felt there was no compromise that could reconcile the differences between you and your Twin Flame.
You are alone; after such a challenging, this is what you may perceive about your life. But the Universe is all around you, working tirelessly to bring your Union.
Think of it as Divine Beings working to create your perfect love story. The only component that changes is the level of commitment and guided action you are ready to take for Union to work.
How does it feel to know that this reality is within your grasp? It’s time to claim your actual happily-ever-after!

The message is clear, Aquarius: everything you felt worried about must be given to the Divine.
I see so many people making this mistake: thinking that they have to do the journey alone. It’s a recipe for anxiety or avoiding things that feel heavy in their life. Does that happen to you too?
Instead, you must invite the Divine to do everything with you. If you’re already doing it, there’s always a deeper level at which you can go with your connection to the Universe here.
As a matter of fact, your Twin Flame Union is in direct correlation with how close you allow yourself to be with the Divine.
So, without stressing out about not being good enough, allow yourself to talk to the Divine, to ask question and ask to receive Its guidance back in very clear way.
Divine communication is very personal. Everyone can do it, the more they get used to practicing. Don’t know how to do? Simple: listen to the feelings and intuition you get after asking a question. You’ll get better at it over time.

Dear Pisces, the end of the road is near! You may have had a difficult summer (or seasons, whenever you’re reading this), with many challenges.
But this card is here to tell you that a new chapter is starting with the New Moon in Virgo. September is going to mark a turning point for you in love.
The waves on the card indicate that things are still getting into place with the person you have a connection with.
There may be a need for clarity and inner work, to determine if you are going deeper in your Twin Flame relationship.
If you’ve been feeling sad that things aren’t moving this season, you’ll be happy to know that there is movement, even when you don’t see it, or feel it.
Through your commitment to studying and healing the Twin Flame dynamic, things that were once hidden will start to make more sense. Do not give up, you may be close to a breakthrough!

Your journey is only just starting! Continue to nurture it by taking our Twin Flame Test.
Written by Yoreen Marcin
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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