A good Twin Flame tarot spread promises to magically reveal what the cards are holding for unfolding your divine love story. And it’s true, the tarot can be a powerful tool for reading the feelings of what you’re moving through. However, the power of Love’s profound guidance isn’t in the cards at all. 

The power to move your Twin Flame journey forward is in your hands through feeling all the feels with love and healing.

There is a reason the readings begin with a question. What is it, deep in your heart of hearts, you really want to know? This is a window into the inner world that creates your outer reality. Your heart already holds the clarity you seek, and the cards reflect the symbology that helps you feel the meaning.

So let’s explore how you can use Twin Flame tarot spreads as a tool for expanding love in your Union.

Let’s get started!

  • Trusting your intuition and Divine guidance
  • Reading the cards with your heart
  • How does your Twin Flame mirror you?
  • How do you do a Twin Flame tarot reading?
  • Twin Flame tarot spread layout
  • Are they my Twin Flame tarot spread
  • What does the Twin Flame mean in Tarot cards?
  • How do I recognize my Twin Flame?
  • Twin Flame tarot reading today
  • Healing your Union with tarot

Trusting your intuition and Divine guidance

The truth of your connection with your Twin Flame lies at the core of who you are. This is because Twin Flames are created from the same soul blueprint and share one consciousness. The ultimate connection to your Twin Flame is through your own heart, and it’s an eternal bond of divine love.

So reading a Twin Flame tarot spread means learning to trust your own intuition and your connection to Love itself.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a psychic or a spiritual master to understand what the cards represent to you. All it takes is a genuine inquiry and a choice to feel your feelings.

Reading the cards with your heart

Establishing a relationship with the energies of the cards in a reading is as natural as getting to know yourself. Let it start out as simple as looking at the card and asking yourself what is happening in the imagery. Trust that whatever comes to you is perfectly guiding you to the lesson and meaning you need.

Here is an example from my own life of reading the energies represented by creating a story from the pictures. This was back in February 2017 before I had any knowledge about the traditional meanings of Tarot. It is still a powerful reading to share today.

There once was a woman (or man or person) on a journey.

Knight of pentacles twin flame

She was heavily armored and protected. She sat high atop a horse so she could view the world and the road ahead. She held a star light in her hand to light the way through the dark.

tarot spread

She came upon a town of beautiful architecture where she found old age, love, and light. The town was filled with more light just like the one she carried with her. Animals and lovers seemed to be at peace and happy.

tarot spread twin flame

The woman shed her armor and found others to join her on the journey.

The story I saw in the cards brought me to tears because it was a reflection of me.


I am on a journey.


I was heavily armored and protected. I sat high atop a horse so I could view the world and the road ahead. I held a star light in my hand to light the way through the dark.


I came upon a town of beautiful architecture where I found old age, Love, and light. The town was filled with more light just like the one I carried with me. Animals and lovers seemed to be at peace and happy.


I shed my armor and found others to join me on the journey.

This is my story of learning you are never truly alone, even in the darkest parts of your journey. You are guided, protected, and powerful in your vulnerability taking down your walls that hold back love and connection.

The cards provide a powerful core lesson along the Twin Flame journey.

Twin Flame tarot spread

Your profound insights in the cards’ reflection will be completely unique to you. But one thing is certain for every single one of us in every Twin Flame tarot spread. There is always a way forward, and loving support is always here for you.

How does your Twin Flame mirror you?

The principle of Twin Flame mirroring comes from the spiritual principle that we experience our outer reality as a reflection of our inner state. Twin Flames share one consciousness, so you will experience your Twin Flame in precisely the way you feel about yourself. 

The more you love yourself, then the more you experience the love of your Twin Flame. And where you may be hard on yourself, then you will experience your Twin Flame being hard on you too.

This is why compassion is critical in your Twin Flame relationship, and why it’s important not to take anything personal. The Mirror Exercise shows you how to heal through the feelings brought up by the Twin Flame mirror. 

Additionally, cards in a Twin Flame tarot spread can be a wonderful tool to help you move through your feelings.

How do you do a Twin Flame tarot reading?

To perform a Twin Flame tarot reading, follow these steps:

  • Begin with a clear intention. Hold your attention on your Twin Flame love and the insights you seek. Choose to have clarity, and let go of any fears about what you might find.
  • Shuffle your tarot deck while maintaining a strong connection to your intention.
  • Spread the cards out face down and select the cards that resonate with you, or you can draw from the top of the deck. You can use a pre-designed Twin Flame tarot spread or create your own.
  • Interpret each card you pull by trusting your intuition. Feel the energies and messages from each card as they relate to your Twin Flame journey.

Twin Flame tarot spread layouts

A tarot spread layout places significance on the number of cards you draw and the order you draw them. Each order of card drawn is assigned a particular context to develop the meaning of that card.

Let’s examine an example you can use based on one of the most common questions asked about Twin Flames.

Are they my Twin Flame tarot spread

No one outside of you can confirm for you who your Twin Flame is or is not. The revealing of your true Twin Flame is a deeply sacred and personal process of revealing yourself to yourself. So the secret to this revealing Twin Flame tarot spread is that it’s all about you.

A Twin Flame tarot spread can be used for any situation you face in your Twin Flame journey. For this example, we show how the cards help gain clarity on this common question: Are they my Twin Flame?

Hold the question in your heart as you shuffle the cards. Choose to have true clarity, choose honesty with yourself, and choose to feel your feelings. For each card drawn, allow yourself to move through every feeling with love.

Card 1: My relationship with myself

Your relationship with your true Twin Flame is a mirror of the relationship you have with yourself. The more love and clarity you cultivate with who you are, the more clear you will feel about your Twin Flame’s true identity.

Card 2: My relationship with my desires

Your true Twin Flame will have every quality you truly desire in your partner. So in order to get clear on your true Twin Flame you must get clear on your own desires. Along the journey there may be resistance, limiting beliefs, conditioning, or other barriers to knowing your honest most intimate desires.

Card 3: Gifts or talents I bring to the table or the value I hold for myself

The more you value yourself and your gifts, then the more confidence you will have in trusting your own clarity. Honoring your true self is an important part of revealing your true Twin Flame.

Twin Flame tarot spread

Card 4: What I am holding on to from the past that is impacting my ability to see the truth of the situation

A false Twin Flame will look, smell, taste, and feel like the real thing. They inevitably reveal themselves as false once you are ready to recognize the truth, no matter what that may be. Alternatively, traumas and other past relationship experiences may influence your ability to trust your recognition of your true Twin Flame.

Card 5: Unconscious undercurrents or relationship patterns at play

Living the Twin Flame lifestyle of love and healing requires refining your relationship patterns into healthy and loving practices. This means bringing awareness to how you relate in relationships and making new choices that are necessary for positive change.

Card 6: Divine guidance from the heart of the consciousness I share with my true Twin Flame

Your true Twin Flame is always loving you at the core, no matter the situation. Your inner connection transcends any outer expression of your relationship. You always have the ability to connect within your heart to the higher truth of unconditional love in your Union.

Card 7: Divine insight from Love itself

At the center of every Twin Flame union is the heart of divine Love. This love is eternal, unconditional, limitless, and all encompassing. Some call it God, or prana shakti, or the Beloved, or any number of names throughout faith, religion, and spiritual practices.

twin flame tarot spread with 7 cards

What does the Twin Flame mean in Tarot cards?

The card for Twin Flame is the lovers. And since your Twin Flame is your Ultimate Lover, the lovers can always be their true selves as “the lovers.” 

The Lovers card in the tarot deck serves as the ultimate symbol of the Twin Flame connection, representing love, choice, harmony, and divine influence. Pay close attention to your feelings when this card appears in a Twin Flame tarot spread. 

It’s a powerful reminder of this profound relationship and the importance of making choices that honor your soul’s deepest desires. 

Ultimately, the Twin Flame journey is a spiritual one, and The Lovers card beautifully encapsulates the essence of Twin Flames. Trust in the guidance it offers as you navigate the path of your Twin Flame connection.

How do I recognize my Twin Flame?

Recognizing your Twin Flame is a deeply sacred and profound journey. Your Twin Flame will feel more familiar to you than anyone else, even more familiar than family. They will share your life goals and core values, embodying the qualities you desire in a partner. Even where they don’t match yet, they actively work towards cultivating these qualities because they hold the same values.

The Twin Flame tarot spread cannot reveal your Twin Flame for you. But the cards can help you look within yourself to cultivate the peace and clarity you seek.

Twin Flame tarot reading today

Many of our Certified Ascension Coaches provide card readings to assist you with the inner healing work. You will find a wide variety of offerings through the uniquely divine gifts and creativity of each coach.

Healing your Union with the aid of the Twin Flame tarot spread

The tarot is a tool for developing your connection and communication with the divinity at the heart of your Twin Flame union. 

Cards encourage you to cultivate inner wisdom and guidance for navigating challenges, learning spiritual lessons, and making divinely aligned decisions. Combined with the Mirror Exercise, Meditation, and the Teachings of Union, you can create the perfect Twin Flame healing lifestyle.

Love is more powerful than any obstacle you face in your Twin Flame journey, and all wounds can be healed. The cards hold for you the stories of healing your heart into the most divine love you could ever imagine.

Twin Flame coaching

Written by Jenny Langley