“And that’s what innocence is. It’s simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”
― Michael Jackson
One thing we believe we can lose but in actuality can never lose, is our innocence, because we are Divine Beings and innocence is a Divine quality of who we really are. We only believe it can be lost or taken away from us, but it may only ever get clouded based off of our perceptions of ourselves.
Mother/Father God and Archangel Michael are embracing you in a comforting hug and are reassuring you of your innocence. You may feel like perhaps you have sabotaged your Twin Flame Union in some manner, but forgive yourself for not knowing that you were in a pattern, and let go and forgive the part of you that was unconsciously running the old ego pattern of sabotaging your Good and your Twin Flame Union.
When you recognize your pattern of undermining the potential of you getting into your harmonious Twin Flame Union appear, then you have a clear choice in that moment. You can choose to run your old pattern and hope that you will get different results, or you can make a new and Masterful choice of interrupting your old pattern by choosing the loving and responsible thing to do, and receive the results you actually desire: your harmonious Twin Flame Union.
No one can wave a magic wand and get you into your Twin Flame Union or promise you that by “next Spring the Divine Masculine returns into your life, etc.” Only your willingness to change out of your old patterns based on separation can bring your Twin Flame to you in harmonious Union. Only your spiritual work, like doing the Twin Flame Mirror Exercise taught in Jeff and Shaleia’s book, will yield you the results of harmonious Twin Flame Union. Nobody in existence can do your spiritual work for you, including spiritual teachers and gurus.
Your attitude toward diligently doing your spiritual work in order to raise your vibration to your harmonious Twin Flame Union must change or you will continue to run your old patterns of blame and separation. The most important piece about raising your vibration to your harmonious Twin Flame Union is that you must have a real relationship with your loving Creator. That is what raising your vibration to your harmonious Union means. There is no way around having a real relationship with God if your prerogative is to have your harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Your past behavior can never undo God’s perfect handiwork in creating you as a powerful, loving, and much needed Being of Love and Light, and it’s important to focus on your innate Perfection rather than your mistakes that lead you to your greater growth. Your mistakes have nothing to do with whether or not you’re Perfect, because you are, but it has everything to do with your growth and expansion as a Perfect and Divine Child of Mother/Father God. Even your “mistakes” are in Divine Order in order for you to take your next step in spiritual growth, but that only happens as a result of choosing wisdom rather than suffering when presented with the same choices over and over again.
Seeing Your Innocence & Trusting Your Mastery,
~Archangel Michael, Jeff & Shaleia~
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Today’s reading is courtesy of Doreen Virtue’s “Archangel Michael Oracle Cards.”
Jeff and Shaleia are true Twin Flames in harmonious Union. This is currently a very rare experience on this planet although their pioneering work in Twin Flames is changing this statistic. In their Twin Flame Ascension School they are teaching the truth of Twin Flame Union as a direct Ascension Path to the Divine. Committing to your harmonious Union is in actuality committing to your spiritual path of Ascension, in other words, dissolving your ego and claiming your Divinity fully at the right side of your Mother/Father God.
Jeff has his BBA from Western Michigan University and has created businesses in the past based on self-development and lifestyle design. Shaleia attended Laurentian University for Psychology with a minor focus on Women Studies. She has a degree in Graphic Design and graduated with Honors in Digital Photography and Imaging at Georgian College. She consciously began her ascension path when she was 18 years old with her studies in Taoism, A Course In Miracles, Channeling, Reiki certification, and other forms of energy healing work.
Shaleia met her spiritual teacher in Sedona, AZ in 2012 where she began healing separation from her Twin Flame with the spiritual tools and knowledge that were passed down to her. Jeff joined her sessions later on and they have now mastered their harmonious Twin Flame Union which has enabled them to teach it to others. They got married in January 2016, and have a sweet golden doodle puppy named Charlie.
They are authors of the beloved Twin Flame book: “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,” on Amazon. Jeff and Shaleia also developed two ecourses to assist you into your harmonious Twin Flame Union: Their first 24 lesson course guarantees harmonious Union is “Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True.” Their 8 lesson course called “Twin Flames: Romance Attraction” teaches you how to develop true love within to increase your magnetism and beauty for manifesting and deepening your Twin Flame Union. This course also guarantees your harmonious Twin Flame Union.