“And what is it but fragments of your own self you would discard that you may become free?” -Kahlil Gibran
This reading is an extension of Monday’s reading about how to go deeper in being your authentic self, the real YOU that your Twin Flame adores and is eternally attracted to. In all the cards in this deck, this card pulled is truly the “Ariel” card from The Little Mermaid. In order for Ariel to be with her true Twin Flame she had to fully claim her Voice, who she really is, rather than who she is not. Ariel made a bad deal by bargaining with the sea witch (ego) thinking there is no other way to be with her love, but in so doing, the sea witch stole her Voice (her essence) and used it to attract/bewitch Ariel’s Twin Flame, Eric, and forever leaving Ariel voiceless and alone as a mermaid.
Ariel claimed back her power by making a different choice to only be who she really is authentically, even if that meant having her voice and never being human again, but was able to defeat the sea witch (ego) and the spell of separation from her love was over. She got her Voice (her Truth) back, her father supported her in choosing a human life because he saw the power of true love in action, and Ariel is now in her permanent and harmonious Twin Flame Union with Eric. Ariel cast off everything in her life that was preventing her harmonious Twin Flame Union to the point where it even looked like she might die, but it was only her old self that needed to die, so that she could raise her vibration to the frequency of her harmonious Union and be forever united with her true love. Ariel did this equally for herself as she did it for Eric.
The silence of you holding back your “Voice,” your true self, is impacting you and creating an energetic imbalance. By not expressing and exploring the beauty within you, you create a longing inside of you. There may have been experiences you had where other people were stifling your expression, your truth, and your Light, but in spiritual truth the only person who is silencing you is YOURSELF. When you are living your truth and expressing who you really are inside, you will naturally attract attention. The fear of receiving attention can be released when you realize that you expressing yourself is really for you alone and for God, and your Twin Flame whom you love. The reason for attention is not for the sake of “getting attention” but to BE fully alive and to be in the ~flow~ of Life.
If you are expressing your unique and innate gifts, and yet you are imitating another person, it is important to not judge yourself for it, but to strive to find your own individual quality and “tone.” Finding and expressing your gifts and sharing who you are is the key to your own personal freedom and success in attracting your Twin Flame. They only really know you for you. Prince Eric was attracted to Ariel’s voice because it was the Song singing in his own Heart too. They are Twin Flames and he recognized almost instantly who Ariel is to him. The same is true for your Twin Flame. They are very very attracted to your unique “voice,” and they do not desire to be with a second-rate version of you, who is trying to be you. They recognize you for you, and you invite your Twin Flame to authentically step into who they really are too.
Now is the time to shine your true colors and allow the vibrancy of your Being to naturally attract your Twin Flame to you. If you need extra assistance you can call upon the strength and love of Heaven to guide you, and lead you every step of the way, and to help cleanse you of any fear of being deeply loved, known, appreciated, and seen.
Shining Our True Colors With You & Without Fear,
~Jeff and Shaleia~
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You can fast-track directly into your harmonious Twin Flame Union in our Twin Flame Ascension school. For more information please click HERE.
Today’s reading is courtesy of Lucy Cavendish’s “Oracle of the Mermaids.”
Jeff and Shaleia are true Twin Flames in harmonious Union. This is currently a very rare experience on this planet although their pioneering work in Twin Flames is changing this statistic. In their Twin Flame Ascension School they are teaching the truth of Twin Flame Union as a direct Ascension Path to the Divine. Committing to your harmonious Union is in actuality committing to your spiritual path of Ascension, in other words, dissolving your ego and claiming your Divinity fully at the right side of your Mother/Father God.
Jeff has his BBA from Western Michigan University and has created businesses in the past based on self-development and lifestyle design. Shaleia attended Laurentian University for Psychology with a minor focus on Women Studies. She has a degree in Graphic Design and graduated with Honors in Digital Photography and Imaging at Georgian College. She consciously began her ascension path when she was 18 years old with her studies in Taoism, A Course In Miracles, Channeling, Reiki certification, and other forms of energy healing work.
Shaleia met her spiritual teacher in Sedona, AZ in 2012 where she began healing separation from her Twin Flame with the spiritual tools and knowledge that were passed down to her. Jeff joined her sessions later on and they have now mastered their harmonious Twin Flame Union which has enabled them to teach it to others. They got married in January 2016, and have a sweet golden doodle puppy named Charlie.
They are authors of the beloved Twin Flame book: “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover,” on Amazon. Jeff and Shaleia also developed two ecourses to assist you into your harmonious Twin Flame Union: Their first 24 lesson course guarantees harmonious Union is “Twin Flames: Dreams Coming True.” Their 8 lesson course called “Twin Flames: Romance Attraction” teaches you how to develop true love within to increase your magnetism and beauty for manifesting and deepening your Twin Flame Union. This course also guarantees your harmonious Twin Flame Union.