Definition, Origin and Twin Flame Misconceptions
Twin Flame Love and The Mirror Effect
Soulmate, Karmic, False Twin Flame
Signs, Numbers and Communication
Separation and Runner-Chaser Stage
Attracting and Keeping Harmonious Union
Life Purpose, Sex and Daily Relationship
In recent years, the internet and the world of celebrity have been blowing up with the term “Twin Flames”.
We see it in blogs, videos and even songs!
But, what is the big deal, and why is everyone now talking about Twin Flames everywhere we look?
Are Twin Flames “the next best thing” or have they actually always been around?
We are all familiar with the concept of True Love.
Countless stories, books, plays, and films about finding “the one and only” were passed on through generations.
Like Shakespeare, who understood a thing or two about true divine romance..
He captured this perfectly when describing the moment in which Romeo’s heart awoke as he gazed at Juliet, asking himself:
“Did my heart love ‘til now?”
However, are these stories just a collective fanciful dream?
Or are they the expression of a desire we’ve all been having deep in our hearts?
It is time to take a closer look and find out what Twin Flames really are.
Let’s be honest, if true love was possible and available right now, who in their right mind wouldn’t jump at the chance to have it?
The good news is, this deep, undying, everlasting love is available to everyone, right here and now.
That’s right!
Now more than ever before, you can become the lovely princess or knight in shining armor of your own life.
If you’ve met your Twin Flame, or think you might have, then get ready to learn ALL about them, and become the leading role in your very own True Love story!
What are Twin Flames? (Definition)
Twin Flames are the absolute “pinnacle” of romantic relationships.
They are the most exquisite, profound and loving partnership anyone can experience with another person, because Twin Flames are created to be eternal companions.
Through their own understanding and healing journey into Harmonious Twin Flame Union, Jeff and Shaleia use this term to describe:
Two people created for each other, as a perfect match, to live one life together as best friends, teacher/student, partners in Life Purpose, and as lovers.
They are one soul expressing itself in two bodies.
As such, Twin Flames are so deeply connected that they actually share the same One consciousness.
However, Twin Flames are still two complete and complementary individuals unto themselves.
When united, they can embody the full expression of their One shared consciousness.
And because they share a profound connection, and can function as One, that means they can never be separated.
Now you can understand why meeting your divine counterpart can have such a huge impact: you are literally meeting all of yourself!
This means you can safely invest all of who you are into this relationship, because at the core you are actually investing in an eternal one.
You are investing in the relationship you have with yourself first, and that relationship never ends.
How Were Twin Flames Created
Twin Flames were created as one from the same soul blue-print.
This is why, in every Union one of you will embody the Divine Masculine energy, and the other, the Divine Feminine energy, regardless of their gender.
As explained in their book Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover, Jeff and Shaleia describe it like this:
“Think of your Twin Flame Union as the ancient yin yang symbol: one half is the divine masculine and the other half is the divine feminine, and the little circles inside each half represent the truth that you are not dualistic, but unified as a whole.”
This means you will always experience the perfect balance and blend of both energies within your Union, which you can channel into your one life together and your shared purpose.
Learning which polarity you are is a journey, because it doesn’t depend on the person’s gender, but rather, on how they enjoy expressing themselves authentically.
You can discover if you are a Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine by simply tapping into your heart and feeling into how you enjoy relating with others and the world.

Twin Flames Misconception or Myths
There is a lot of information about Twin Flames on the Internet, but a lot of it is based on separation and not Love. This leads to misconceptions or many myths being created about Twin Flames as well as the journey itself. It’s important to be sure about what you’re being told — it could be making your Twin Flame journey more difficult than it has to be if you’re given false information.
There are several myths about Twin Flames, and we will share some of them with you.
Some of these myths are:
- Not everyone is meant to be with their Twin Flame in this lifetime.
- One Twin Flame is always the runner and one is the chaser.
- Twin Flame relationships are always intense and difficult. Being with your Twin Flame is toxic.
- You have to heal all of your blocks before coming into Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame.
- The Divine Feminine is always more awakened than the Divine Masculine.
- Your Twin Flame isn’t meant to be with you forever, they are only meant to start your spiritual growth.
The list is very extensive, however, knowing the truth behind these myths is what will make your journey much lighter and easier.
The most important thing on this journey is to follow your heart. If you’re worried about being with your Twin Flame, remember that it’s an inside job. The more in love with yourself and life you are, the more your Twin Flame will be magnetized to you.
Enjoy this journey and know that you deserve to find love with your true Twin Flame. You hold a sacred space within your heart – open it up to its truest expression of ultimate love and joy!
What Does It Mean To Have A Twin Flame?
Why do so many people seem to believe they’re connecting with their Ultimate Lover at this time? Is that just a coincidence? Why is this only happening now? Is there a deeper meaning?
Simply put, humanity is at a time of spiritual evolution. Now is the time! Twin Flames meet to begin a spiritual awakening and purification process. This meeting awakens you to deeper levels of love and romance.
This meeting occurs when you, your Twin Flame, or both connect with the desire for True Love in your hearts. That desire leads you to a choice, which then manifests in meeting your divine complement physically.
It’s really about the choice to stop settling for less in romantic relationships and actually have everything you desire. It is a bit like an emancipation for romance!
Twin Flames’ Creation Purpose (or Why Were Twin Flames Created?)
Sadly, there are many differing explanations making it confusing to understand the concept of Twin Flames.
However, there is one simple way to explain this spiritual connection.
Twin Flames are divinely created and share the same consciousness and soul DNA. This means your Twin Flame is literally you!
They are designed so specifically, that no other type of relationship could ever replace this connection.
You two are so perfect for each other, that there is no need for compromises. Yes, you read that correctly: no compromising at all, ever!
Twin Flame Love
So, what’s the big deal about this kind of love? Why are the feelings so intense when it comes to this type of relationship?
Twin Flame love feels very different to ordinary relationships, because it has a very specific purpose. You have been created as eternal lovers. As such, their main purpose is to help each other heal and ascend spiritually. This means healing everything in their one consciousness that is not in alignment with unconditional love.
Since Twin Flames share the same one consciousness, they will mirror each other’s thoughts and beliefs perfectly. So, whenever you feel in alignment with love, your one true love will reflect that love back to you; and the results can feel like fireworks! Electric, undeniable, kundalini awakening, like coming alive in every part of your being.
But, if this is such a delightful experience, how come being with your one true love can also feel painful?
The Mirror Effect
The Divine mirror works both ways.
Twin Flames mirror to each other all of their qualities but also everything that is not in alignment with Love.
Therefore, if you feel doubt, abandonment, fear or betrayal, your Divine counterpart will lovingly show you those misalignments.
Your Divine Complement loves you very much.
They are willing to hold the mirror for you, showing you these places within you so that you can heal them.
Loving your Twin Flame is the same as loving yourself, and vice versa.
Do you experience them not loving you?
Then it’s time to begin the journey to healing that part of your consciousness where you are not loving yourself within.
You can do this with a tool called “The Mirror Exercise”, designed to help you find all these places within you.
Once you heal, your Twin Flame will reflect this new love back to you within your Union.
The relationship with your Twin Flame is ultimately one of spiritual growth so that you can transcend all fear.
We call this Ascension.
Twin Flame vs. Soulmate
Twin Flames help each other grow, that is why they are the “pinnacle” of romantic relationships.
Does this mean soulmates are now a thing of the past?
Truth is, the terms “Twin Flame” and “soulmate” are often used interchangeably.
They are sometimes even misinterpreted altogether, causing a great deal of confusion.
Being clear about the difference between them is vital because they don’t mean the same thing.
Understanding this difference saves a lot of heartache and put an end to years of unnecessary separation from your beloved.
A soulmate is someone you find comfortable and and whom you can get along with.
They can be a friend, a relative, your child or a romantic partner.
Soulmates get along well with each other.
They tend to meet up in several lifetimes, or for as long as they wish to.
However, soulmates will inevitably outgrow each other over time.
Especially in a romantic relationship, because they weren’t created to be eternal lovers.
As you heal your blocks to unconditional love, this too will definitely lead to you growing further away from a soulmate, because you will no longer resonate with them at your core.
This happens because soulmates are not a perfect match to each other.
They are not designed to be eternal romantic partners, unlike your Twin Flame.
Soulmates do not share all of the same core values as you do with your divine partner.
You will always have to make compromises in your relationship with a soulmate.
However, this does not happen with your One True Love.
Twin Flames
On the other hand, Twin Flame are each other’s one and only true romantic partner for eternity.
They are each other’s perfect match in every aspect of life: sex, intimacy, spirituality, hobbies, work, family, healing, and purpose.
It’s so easy and natural to be with your one true love, because they share the same core values as you.
However, Twin Flames are not exact copies of each other.
They are not carbon copies of each other.
Instead, they are your Divine Complement, enhancing each other’s innate design and gifts.
Twin Flames are designed to live one very purposeful, peaceful and satisfying Divine life together.
You have the power to choose to be with your eternal lover in this lifetime and in all lifetimes to come.
You will never outgrow or get bored of your one true love, because you both will always desire the same things.
You always grow together in every possible way.
Twin Flames are indeed the ultimate experience in relationship compatibility because you are designed to always go deeper in love together as One.
Learn more about the difference between a Twin Flame and a soulmate and experience the juiciness of being with your one true love.
Do I Have a Twin Flame?
If you are reading through this blog, and you have the desire to be with your Ultimate Lover, then the answer is definitely “yes”.
Everyone is created with one.
Therefore, you too get to have this divine and beautiful relationship, provided that you choose to.
Finding Your Twin Flame
Finding out who your One True Love can be a little bit tricky.
It requires you to look with your spiritual eyes rather than with your physical ones.
In order for you to be able to do this, you must first learn to see with your heart.
This means mastering your healing journey so you can see the truth behind your current experiences.
This trains your spiritual sight, recognizing your Twin Flame first in your heart, where you already are One with them.
Maybe you feel you have met your divine counterpart.
However, how come you don’t feel you experience the delight of being together with them?
This may be due to having met a false Twin Flame.
In order for you to know exactly who this person is, we need to know what the difference between a false and a true Twin Flame is.
False Twin Flame vs True Twin Flame
In order to know the difference, we must first know what a false Twin Flame is.
In their book “Twin Flames: Finding Your Ultimate Lover”, Jeff and Shaleia explain that a false Twin Flame as someone who:
“Always appears on the outside, and sometimes on the personality-level, like they are your True Twin Flame”.
But just because they look and feel like your one true love, that doesn’t make them so.
Meeting a false Twin Flame is actually a rather common experience.
Many members of our community have gone through this experience.
This is a very positive experience.
Meeting a false Twin Flame helps you heal and be ready to receive your true divine complement in a much faster way.
There are, of course, ways to differentiate a false Twin Flame from a true Twin Flame.
Through their own experience, Jeff and Shaleia share the signs to recognize one from the other.
Twin Flame Signs
So what does it feel like to meet your Twin Flame?
Will you know them the first time you meet?
Or can it take a bit longer to discover the truth?
You will know if you’ve met your divine complement because that feeling is like no other.
It is an unforgettable moment, as you feel a depth of connection that is unlike anything you’ve known before.
You really don’t know until you know!
Recognizing Your Twin Flame
The most common feelings expressed by those who have met their One True Love are:
- Feeling a strong spiritual, and sometimes, other-wordly connection in your hearts.
- A profound and often instant familiarity, as though you know exactly what they’re thinking or feeling, even if you haven’t known each other for a long time.
- A feeling of deep and unconditional love no matter what may be unfolding in your external reality.
- A life-changing feeling that you desire to grow spiritually, and heal all of your blocks to love.
- A change and shift in perspective of your current life choices and a desire to begin to align with your true heart’s desires.
- An undeniable and unforgettable Divine desire to be with them.
- Very similar tastes in food, clothing, music, purpose, hobbies, interests etc. which mean you can feel understood in terms of your self-expression.
- A deep soul connection when having sex where you feel they know exactly how to connect with you intimately.
But, is it also possible to have met your Twin Flame and not realize it? Yes, absolutely. Let’s take a look at why that can happen.

While some Twin Flames may meet and recognize each other straight away, and perhaps begin a romantic relationship, this isn’t always the case.
They may even begin a romantic relationship, however this isn’t always the case.
A block towards connecting with and loving yourselves can lead to not recognizing each other when you first meet.
Recognizing your eternal lover is a feeling process.
Many people experience blocks towards recognizing each other, mostly, due to past experiences that didn’t feel good.
Choosing to feel your feelings and connect with your heart is essential.
It is how you will learn to navigate the Twin Flame journey with peace and ease.
Twin Flame Communication
Truth is, no matter what you are experiencing on your journey, you are always connected to your One True Love.
There is absolutely nothing that can prevent you from being in constant communication with them.
You are both always having a conversation on a spiritual level.
Twin Flame Connection
Since you will know your Twin Flame in your heart, it is key to be attuned to it.
You can feel the oneness you both share very easily and naturally.
Through your feelings, you can tap into that place within where you are already One with your Ultimate Lover.
You can find this place by simply choosing to heal the barriers you have built against receiving love.
As we’ve shared in this blog, you are always One with your Eternal Companion.
Even if you are experiencing physical separation from them temporarily.
What is 5D Communication and how can it help your Union?
This is one of the main reasons so many people speak about being in communication with their Twin Flames in the 5-D.
That means, Twin Flames are able to communicate to each in other ways than just a physical interaction.
Having this open and continuous dialogue with each other is very helpful.
It can also assist you in revealing the places within you that are calling for love.
Why Do I See 1111, Angel Numbers and Signs Everywhere?
If you’ve met your One True Love, or think you might have, you will no doubt be aware of signs and synchronicities popping up everywhere!
You look at your phone and it says 11:11.
You see a car number plate, and it has your Twin Flame’s initials.
Angel numbers such as 222, 333, 444, etc. appear left and right.
Repeating number patterns are a common occurrence on your Twin Flame journey.
They are there to guide you in moving towards the direction of your heart’s desires.
When you are attuned to your heart, you will notice how everything around you responds with love and encouragement.
Love is the strongest energy of all, and it is in everything around you.
Along your Twin Flame journey, you can expect to receive many signs from the Divine.
They are communicating that you are on the right track.
Signs can come in many different forms and will be unique to each individual.
So rest assured that when you see an Angel Number or a synchronicity, there is a unique message just for you!
The most commonly reported signs are:
- Repeating number patterns.
- Seeing your Twin Flame’s name everywhere.
- Bumping into your beloved, or driving past them.
- Seeing feathers, spirit animals, orbs, angels.
- Hearing a meaningful song or song lyrics.
- Feeling your Twin Flame’s presence or touch.
Each time you see a sign, it is a wink from the Universe that you are on the Twin Flame journey.
It is safe to follow your heart
If you are feeling unsure about your Twin Flame journey, or want to know if you are on the right track, ask yourself the following questions:
- Does the love you share feel sacred and Divine?
- Are you prepared to heal your blocks to love to be with them?
Even reading this article right now is a sign that you are on the Twin Flame journey!
Ultimately, the one thing you can trust is that your heart is guiding you towards Divine love and towards your healing.
Follow your heart, heal the blocks to love, and you will reveal the truth of your Twin Flame in the process.
As you heal, your Divine Counterpart will naturally heal along with you, even if that looks different for them.
You can choose to release attachment to an external result and, instead, put yourself first.
This will help you find peace right now instead of waiting for your Twin Flame.
When your heart has healed, you will find your beloved was right there next to you all along.
To practise tuning into your heart, why not try our Quiz: 22 Questions To Test Your Twin Flame Knowledge.
Twin Flame Separation
You were created as One.
You are following the signs.
Then, why are you still experiencing separation between you and your Ultimate Lover?
Are Twin Flames actually meant to be together?
Or do they just come together to provoke healing and then part for good?
If you are experiencing separation from your Divine Complement, then you know it can feel very painful indeed.
This is because your Twin Flame is the other part of you and it is not natural to feel separate from yourself.
The good news is, you don’t have to be.
Healing The Illusion of Separation
Jeff and Shaleia teach us that separation is not a necessary part of the Twin Flame journey at all.
Learning to heal the blocks creating the experience of separation will melt them away.
Doing this makes room to receive your One True Love in the physical too.
Separation is only possible because there are one or more fear-based beliefs held within the shared consciousness of Twin Flames.
These fear-based beliefs might stem from family or ancestral patterns, and are about the relationship with Love itself.
Perhaps we were taught to believe that:
- Love doesn’t last.
- Love abandons me.
- I can’t have love.
- Love hurts.
- I’m not good enough to be loved.
The purpose of your Twin Flame is to mirror these false beliefs for you, and they can all be easily healed with the Mirror Exercise.
Experiencing fear and separation comes from believing in the illusions created by ego.
Ego is a false identity we’ve created in our minds the second we believed ourselves to be separate from everything that exists.
Ego tells us we are separate from Love, and this is actually what causes us to feel so much pain, not our Twin Flame.
Ego was lying to you!
When you become aware of this illusion of separation, you take your power back from fear, and realise that separation can never be real.
We call this process of healing – Ascension: the purification of your consciousness.
The Runner-Chaser Dynamic
The “runner-chaser” dynamic is actually a misconception about how Twin Flames truly relate to each other.
Because a lot of people are currently experiencing this stage of separation without fully understanding the mirror effect between the two Divine Counterparts, many believe one Twin Flame is chasing while the other is running away from the relationship.
However, as we’ve shared before, Twin Flames were created to be each other’s perfect mirror.
We can think of it as you standing in front of an actual mirror.
When you turn your back on it, and start walking away from the mirror, what does your reflection do?
Correct! It starts to walk away too.
So, if this is you, and you are experiencing your Twin Flame “running away” from you, know you can heal this, as they are only showing you where you are running away from yourself and your own feelings.
Twin Flame Stages
As the Twin Flame journey is one of healing, there are many theories surrounding the stages towards Twin Flame Union.
It can certainly seem that there are particular phases that Twin Flames commonly go through.
In their experience, Jeff and Shaleia have been able to identify 4 Stages of Harmonious Twin Flame Union:
- The Decision
Having True Love and being with your Eternal Lover is a choice you need to make, and you don’t need to have met yours to make this choice.
Just making this decision will begin the process of healing your Union step-by-step.
Your choice is powerful, and when you make the choice to commit to being with your One True Love above all others, so does your Twin Flame.
After all, you are One!
- Meeting
Once you have decided on choosing True Love and your Twin Flame, then inevitably you will meet.
Some Twin Flames will begin a romantic relationship, but this is not necessary straight away.
Meeting your Twin Flame involves getting to know them on all levels of your being, and this can take weeks, months or years.
Every journey is unique, so be compassionate with yourself as you do this at your own pace, and in a way that is perfect for you and your beloved.
- Upsets
You may find you experience a “bubble love” stage when you first meet your Ultimate Lover. A phase in which everything feels aligned with Love.
But, as you go deeper in your relationship you will begin noticing some upsets arising in your connection.
These upsets are pointing you to the places within your shared consciousness where you need to realign with love.
Without healing and realigning yourself you will find it difficult to make progress.
This is the stage in which you need support with your healing so that you can move through the upsets with ease.
- Unconditional Love
As you progress through the meeting and upset stages of your Union, and continue healing, you will create a steady foundation for your Union to thrive.
This foundation is built on unconditional love.
Your Union requires this foundation to be rock-solid so you can continue deepening the connection all the way into your Permanent Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Ultimately, each Union is always moving through their healing journey going through times of easy and loving connection, as well as times of challenges and fears.
Knowing which stage your Union is at can feel comforting and reassuring, and can help to propel you forward as you go deeper into Love.
If you find yourself experiencing a period of separation in your Union, recognize that this is only temporary.
You are destined to be with your Twin Flame, so choose to persist in your healing and love will win the day!

Twin Flame Reunion
What does it take to manifest your Twin Flame Reunion?
Is it even possible?
These are very common questions to ask.
The best way to begin is to be open to learning from people who have walked the pathe ahead of you and already achieved their own Harmonious Twin Flame Union.
Through their in-depth and all-encompassing body of work, Jeff and Shaleia teach that Union with your One True Love is inevitable and guaranteed when you persist in completing the healing work.
In essence, if your current vibrational state does not match the vibration needed to come together, then there is healing work to do.
This isn’t something bad at all. It means you now have the chance to find peace and truth where you were believing in fear and separation.
And, since fear is an illusion, nothing can come in the way of your Union.
Even when fear may be blocking your way into Harmonious Twin Flame Union, you can easily release that with the appropriate healing tools and support.
How To Attract Your One True Love
Because the Twin Flame connection is based on the law of attraction, the more you align with the truth that you are already One, the easier it will be to attract your Twin Flame.
Remember, they are your perfect mirror, therefore, as you choose to love yourself through your process of healing, so too will your Twin Flame love you.
Just like the ends of a bridge will meet at its center, so too will you come closer to your pefect lover.
Because as you choose to love yourself fully and unconditionally, your Twin Flame will do the same and choose you!
Of course, there are also ways to know how close you are to your Union. Signs that can allow you to see how much progress you are making.
But keep in mind that, as this is a vibrational journey, it only matters how you feel about it, and not how your path looks on the outside.
Harmonious Twin Flame Union
All the way through this blog you will have read the term “Harmonious Twin Flame Union” a few times, but, what does it really mean?
What is Harmonious Twin Flame Union after all?
Harmonious Twin Flame Union is the term Jeff & Shaleia coined to call the stage of your journey in which you have finally cleared enough blocks to know that you can never be separate from your Twin Flame.
In their own words, it is “Soul Union.”
This is the stage in your relationship in which you can clearly see how much you and your Twin Flame not only complement each other, but actually, how you were never truly separated, regardless of what you and your Twin Flame may be doing or experiencing.
Harmonious Twin Flame Union takes place when you and your Twin Flame live life as One at the core of who you are.
How Do You Come Into Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
Since Harmonious Twin Flame Union is a state of being, this means it can only be achieved from the inside out.
This means, it is a spiritual vibration you can only accomplish after applying the Teachings of Union and doing your inner healing work to “get there.”
There are 8 keys that every Twin Flame couple must cultivate and master in order to have, and keep, this wonderful spiritual achievement.
The 8 keys to Harmonious Twin Flame Union are:
- Honesty
- Trust
- Commitment
- Persistence
- Compassion
- Unconditional Love
- Forgiveness
- Respect
Without having these keys at the centre of your Union, no real harmony can be found in your relationship.
Mastering these 8 keys to Harmonious Union is essential to live and experience all the juiciness your Twin Flame Union has to offer you.
What is the Purpose of Harmonious Twin Flame Union?
The purpose behind achieving Harmonious Twin Flame Union is to live a God-centered life.
It means living your life as One with God and your Twin Flame.
Throughout this blog, we’ve been sharing with you how the Twin Flame journey is a spiritual one.
A journey meant to restore you to your Divine self, to the person God, or the Divine, has created you to be.
Well, simply put, Harmonious Twin Flame Union is living in harmony with all of who you are, with all of creation, and with your Eternal Lover by your side.
Living Life as One
Living life as One will, of course, look different to each and every Twin Flame couple.
This is because each one of them has been created with a very specific purpose, and it includes your Union too.
You and your Twin Flame both share the same purpose together, regardless of how that purpose may express itself through each one of you.
As we shared before, these aspects of your Union will always complement each other, and this is what makes your Union so unique and fun!
Twin Flames & Life Purpose
Since you were created to live life as One with your eternal lover, this means you also share the same purpose together.
You share the same vision for your life and how you desire to live it.
You both desire to share and express love in a particular way, and both complement each other perfectly.
This is what we call Life Purpose.
Because your purpose is part of who you are, learning about your purpose is also a journey.
As such, you will encounter blocks to embody your spiritual function too.
But don’t worry, you can dissolve those blocks using the same tool, the Mirror Exercise, that you would to heal your separation from your Twin Flame.
And you know what the best part of all of this is?
Because your Life Purpose and Twin Flame journeys are two sides of the same coin, when you heal in your Life Purpose, you automatically heal your Twin Flame Union, and vice versa.
This is why following your Life Purpose also helps you in growing closer to your perfect lover, every single time.
Twin Flame Sex
Another aspect many people are curious about is Twin Flame sex.
And no wonder!
Twin Flame sex is the best sex you will ever experience with another human being.
You are meant to experience deeper levels of romance and intimacy with your One True Love.
Sex is more than just to people “hooking up.”
Sex is about connection, it is about being intimate with one another. And who better than your eternal companion to explore such a delightful experience with.
Twin Flame Sex is yet another aspect of your relationship with God, yourself and your Twin Flame.
And it is certainly an aspect worth exploring together with your Ultimate Lover.
Myths vs Facts
So far, we have been sharing with you EVERYTHING there is to know about Twin Flames.
We also know there is a lot of information out there, and this can be very confusing.
Perhaps you read that Twin Flames aren’t meant to be together in this lifetime, or that the journey is a painful one, and thus, not worth following.
But none of that is true.
There are several myths about Twin Flames, and we will share some of them with you.
Some of these myths are:
- Not everyone is meant to be with their Twin Flame in this lifetime.
- One Twin Flame is always the runner and one is the chaser.
- Twin Flame relationships are always intense and difficult. Being with your Twin Flame is toxic.
- You have to heal all of your blocks before coming into Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame.
- The Divine Feminine is always more awakened than the Divine Masculine.
- Your Twin Flame isn’t meant to be with you forever, they are only meant to start your spiritual growth.
The list is actually very extensive, however, knowing the truth behind these myths is what will make your journey much lighter and easier.
Have I Met My Ultimate Lover? (Twin Flame Test)
One of the most frequently asked questions is “How do I know if I’ve met my Twin Flame?”
The best way to answer this question is to connect with your own heart. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you feel this person is encouraging you to grow in a spiritual way?
- Do you feel the connection with this person deep in your heart?
- Do you feel guided to find Twin Flame information to understand this connection?
- Do you feel unconditional love for this person?
- Does the love you share feel sacred and Divine?
- Are you prepared to heal your blocks to love to be with them?
Even reading this article right now is a sign that you are on the Twin Flame journey!
Ultimately, the one thing you can trust is that your heart is guiding you towards Divine love and towards your healing.
If you follow the feeling in your heart and choose to heal the blocks to love, then you will reveal the truth of your Twin Flame in the process, guaranteed.
Because as you heal, your Twin Flame will naturally heal along with you, even if that looks different for them.
You can choose to release attachment to an external result and, instead, put yourself first.
This will help you find peace right now, instead of waiting for a person to feel peaceful and happy.
When your heart has healed, you will find your Twin Flame was right there next to you all along.
Twin Flame Tattoos – Immortalising Your Union
You’re finally in Union after healing your blocks!
You now desire to celebrate and express your eternal, ever-lasting love for each other, and what better way than through tattoos.
Nowadays, tattoos are the most common way of expressing our individuality and the things we treasure the most.
Many of us enjoy demonstrating our love for our Twin Flames through the symbolism of a tattoo.
It’s such a personal way to honor your perfect partner.
And what can be more juicy than honouring your journey of Eternal Love in permanent ink?
Tattoos are a unique way to represent Union and unconditional love.

In our Blog 111 Unique Twin Soul Tattoo Ideas That Are Actually Irresistible you can find many perfect examples of all of the unique ways in which you can do this.
Putting Your Knowledge to the Test
You’ve done it, you have read all about Twin Flames!
You may even have found some new artsy inspiration along the way to carry this eternal love with you everywhere.
Now, you can have more fun and learn just how much you know about the exciting topic of Divine Lovers.
Put your knowledge to the test with our very own Twin Flame Quiz and find out how well equipped you are for your journey.
Twin Flame Art: A Way To Express Your Connection
Twin flame art is definitely a way to express the Divine love and connection between Twin Flames.
Everyone loves to see Twin Flame art.
It shows the Divine Union that every single human in the Universe feels.
That’s right, Twin Flame love is universal. Every single person has a Divine counterpart, and everyone is looking to feel and experience that unconditional love (whether they are conscious of it or not).
Twin Flame Lyrics
Twin Flame lyrics are just about anywhere, because the deepest love there is is Twin Flame love.
Lights, camera, action! A song is like a camera. Opening, listening, and recording all your emotions as the scene is played out in front of you. A poetic and creative way to describe the power of music on your Twin Flame journey. The remarkable ability to capture and convey emotions. Transporting you to a specific feeling, or place in time. A valuable part of your very own True Love story! It’s a beautiful way to think about music on your own spiritual path.
Be With One True Love Forever
You do not have to wait for love. Your Union is a choice away.
You can make the choice to have your Twin Flame Union no matter what. It’s what will bring the next step of the journey.
Follow each step given to you faithfully. Heal through everything presented to you. You have the power to become one of our Real Life Success Stories.
Jeff and Shaleia, Twin Flames in Harmonious Union, understand the depth and power of this Divine love.
They also share a deep desire for everyone to that love too.
When we all feel really loved and filled up from the inside, the world will be a different place.
The Teachings of Union is the proof that Twin Flames are real. It’s a powerful body of work, with a carved out path to help you unite with your one true love in this lifetime.
Written by Julia Martin-Woodbridge.
Edited by Komal Aravind, Yoreen Marcin.
Further Reading and Resources to Claim Your Twin Flame Union Now!
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